Mentoring undergraduates on research in data analysis
Spring 2015 Section 0001: 9:30A - 10:20A MWF 105 MLH
Instructor: Dr. Isabel K. Darcy
Department of Mathematics and AMCS
University of Iowa
Office:B1H MLH
Phone: 335- 0778
Email: idarcybiomath+3900 AT or isabel-darcy AT
Course URL: Home/Schedule
Course URL: wiki
DEO Contact Information:
Dan Anderson, 14 MLH,
Office hours: Monday 10:30am - 12:00noon, Thursday 12:30pm - 2:00pm, and by appointment.
Course Description: We will discuss a variety of mentoring methods, how to apply for grants, as well as the experiences (and issues) one may have while mentoring. Graduate students will have the optional opportunity to mentor undergraduates in 22M:96 Introduction to Mathematics Research that will introduce undergraduates to research in topological data analysis. NOTE: You do not need to be familiar with either topology or data analysis in order to mentor undergraduates in 22M:96. There are a variety of roles a mentor can take. Time commitments can range from meeting with a group of undergrads once so that they can explain their research to non-experts to mentoring students on a complete project or anything in between. NOTE: This will not be a course on data analysis, but we will spend some class time covering the basics of data analysis including where to find data, pitfalls, basic introduction to relevant software such as R, as well as where to learn more about data analysis.
Objectives and Goals of the Course: To learn best practices for mentoring undergraduates on research projects.
Texts: None
Grading system: Grading will be based on participation (i.e. attendance, but e.g., attending conferences counts as excused absences). Plus/minus grading may be used.Attendance and absences: Your attendance at each scheduled class meeting is expected. You are responsible for material covered in class and announcements made during class; these may include changes in the syllabus.
From Writing Center website: Suggestions and feedback on all kinds of writing, from course papers to creative pieces and multimedia projects.
You an obtain feedback via individual appointments, online submissions or weekly appointments (for weekly appointments, space is limited so sign up NOW if you are interested).
From Speaking Center website:We work with a range of students from many disciplines on such issues as: effective participation in class discussions, crafting and delivering oral presentations, understanding unfamiliar cultural references, interview skills, creative performances, and speech anxiety.