Instructor: Dr. Isabel Darcy
Office: B1H MLH
Phone: 319-335-0778
Email: idarcymath+100 AT or isabel-darcy AT
Office Hours: MF 11:40 - 12+, Tu 2:00pm - 3:20pm, Th 2:00 -
and by appt.
Note: + means I will be also available directly after the office hour,
normally for as long as
DEO: Dan Anderson,14 MLH
Course WWW site:
Check this course schedule, and electronic copies of course handouts.
Description of Course: We will cover a variety of applications of algebraic topology including robotics, data analysis, and sensor networks. Objectives and Goals of the Course: Students will be able to answer the question: “How can topology be applied to real world problems”.
Text: We will use the online textbook available at , plus supplementary
Grading system: | |
HW, Participation, & Quizzes: 100% | 90% <= A- < 91% <= A |
80% <= B- < 81% <= B < 89% <= B+ < 90% | |
70% <= C- < 71% <= C < 79% <= C+ < 80% | |
60% <= D- < 61% <= D < 69% <= D+ < 70% | |
F < 60% |
Attendance and absences: Your attendance at each scheduled class meeting and discussion section is expected. You are responsible for material covered in class and announcements made during class; these may include changes in the syllabus.
You may collaborate with other students on the homework; however, each individual student is responsible for turning in your own homework in your own words. Copying is not collaboration and will be prosecuted under scholastic dishonesty. Any significant collaboration should be acknowledged.