Instructor: Dr. Isabel
Darcy Office:B1H
335- 0778
Email: idarcy AT
Tentative Office Hours: MWF after class, W: 2:30-3:15, F 9:30-
10:20 and by
Course WWW site:
Topology has applications in many areas of science. The main focus of this course will be DNA topology, but we may also discuss applications of topology in studying the human brain, protein folding, chemical chirality, nanotechnology, computation, physics, etc. An introduction to basic molecular biology will be given. We will also cover the needed mathematics which will include an introduction to knot theory, Dehn surgery, and branched coverings. As the mathematics used in applications can be very deep, much of the course will be spent learning the necessary mathematics as well as the applications.
Textbook: None. A variety of articles (current research as well as expository) and web resources will be used. For those who wish to learn additional biology, I recommend Ptashne's Genetic Switch: Phage Lambda & Higher Organisms, (see below).
Pre-requisite: Algebraic topology will be helpful. If you have not had algebraic topology, but wish to take this course, please let me know.
Grading will be based on attendance and classroom participation.
Optional HW will be assigned. Students who choose to do additional material can present their results either in class or in topology seminar. For those who wish to delve further into the mathematical/computational side, open research problems will be suggested.
An introduction to the necessary biology will be covered in class. For those who wish to learn additional biology, meetings outside of class can be arranged including presentations in the mathematical biology seminar. Ptashne's Genetic Switch: Phage Lambda & Higher Organisms is only required for those who wish to learn more than the basic biology covered in class. If you are interested in this biology option, please let me know.
Notes to Student: (1) Please let your instructor know if you have a
disability that requires special arrangements. (2) The main office of
the Department of Mathematics is in 14 MLH. To make an appointment to
speak with the chair of the department, call 335-0708 or contact the
departmental secretary in 14C MLH.
Policy on Scholastic Dishonesty: Students who violate
University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary
penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and/or
dismissal from The University. Since such dishonesty harms the
individual, all students and the integrity of The University, policies
on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced.
The University policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly