\magnification 2100 \parindent 0pt \parskip 15pt \hsize 7.2truein \vsize 9.7 truein \hoffset -0.45truein \def\u{\vskip -7pt} \def\v{\vskip 20pt} \input colordvi.tex Defn: $M$ is an n-dimensional manifold ({\Blue{with boundary}}) if 1.) For all $x \in M$, there exists a neighborhood $V_x$ such that $V_x$ is homeomorphic to an open set in $R^n$ {\Blue{or ${R_+}^n$}} 2.) M is $T_2$ and ... Give an example of a topological space which satisfies (1), but is not $T_2$. Answer: Friday's Lecture. $M$ is a closed manifold if $M$ is a compact manifold without boundary. Wild knot: \v\v \vfill Alexander horned sphere: see handout To avoid such pathologies, we will work in the differentiable ($C^{\infty}$) or piecewise linear (PL) category. \eject Examples of n-manifolds: $D^n = B^n = \{ {\bf x} \in R^{n} ~|~ ||x|| \leq 1\}$ $S^n = \{ {\bf x} \in R^{n+1} ~|~ ||x|| = 1\} = \partial B^{n+1}$ $P^n = S^n/ ({\bf x} \sim -{\bf x})$ $T^n = S^1 \times S^1 \times ... \times S^1$ Forming new manifolds from old manifolds: If $M$ is an m-manifold and $N$ is an n-manifold, then $M \times N$ is a (m+n)-manifold. If $M$ is an m-manifold, then $\partial M$ is an (m-1)-manifold. Suppose $M$ and $N$ are n-manifolds and \hfil \break $f:$ a component of $\partial M \rightarrow$ a component of $\partial N$ is a homeomorphism, then \vskip 5pt \centerline{$M \cup_f N = M \cup N / (x \sim f(x))$} In particular, $M \# N = (M - B^n) \cup_i (N - B^n)$ where $i: S^{n-1} \rightarrow S^{n-1}$. $F_g = \# T^2 = (S^2 - \cup_{i=1}^{2g} D^2) \cup (\cup_{i=1}^{g}{A^2})$ where $A^2 $ = annulus $N_g = \# P^2 = (S^2 - \cup_{i=1}^{g} D^2) \cup (\cup_{i=1}^{g} V^2)$ where $V^2 $ = mobius band \vskip 15pt {\line Euler characteristic = $\chi(M) =$ vertices - edges + faces - ... } \centerline{= $\Sigma_{i=0}^\infty (-1)^i \alpha_i(M)$ where $\alpha_i(M) =$ number of $i$ cells.} \centerline{= $\Sigma_{i=0}^\infty (-1)^i \beta_i(M)$ where $\beta_i(M) = dim H_i(M)$} $\chi(M_1 \cup_F M_2) = \chi(M_1) + \chi(M_2) - \chi(F)$ $\chi(S^{2n-1}) = 0$. \hfil $\chi(S^{2n}) = 2$. \hfil $\chi(D^{n}) = 1$. If $S$ is a surface (compact connected 2-manifold) consisting of disjoint disks with bands attached, then \centerline{$\chi(S) = $ \# of disks - \# of bands.} $\chi(T^2) = 0$. \hfil $\chi(T^2 \# T^2) = -2$, \hfil $\chi(F_g) = 2-2g$ \vskip -15pt $\chi(P^2) = 1$. \hfil $\chi(P^2 \# P^2) = 0$, \hfil $\chi(N_g) = 2-g$ \vfill Casson: ``For three-dimensional topology, intuitive understanding is much more important than technical details." \end