You can earn points towards your participation grade by
(1) Asking questions, pointing out errors, making insightful comments in class. You can even try asking questions, etc. via
For contributions in class, you need to e-mail a short description of the contribution to BOTH Dr. Darcy and your TA in the same week the contribution is made. Your e-mails should be cumulative so that at the end of the semester we have one e-mail containing all your class contributions. In other words reply to the last one that you sent.
(2) Contribute to our class wiki: and NOT
(3) Actively contribute in discussion section.
Why earn participation points?
(1) You learn more by participating.
(2) In case you need a letter of recommendation and you haven't had enough small lecture courses yet. Letters from professors count more than letters from TAs. If you need a letter from me, I can use your participation e-mail to describe how active you were in class in addition to including comments from your TA. Being active in a large lecture class looks good in a letter of recommendation.