\magnification 2000 \parindent 0pt \parskip 7.5pt \pageno=1 \hsize 7.2truein \hoffset -0.2truein \vsize 9.5truein \def\u{\vskip -10pt} \def\v{\vskip 5pt} \def\s{\vskip -5pt} \def\r{\vskip -4pt} Hypergraph: $(V, E)$, $E \subset {\cal P}(V)$ $X^{(r)}$ = set of all r-tuples of $X$. A coloring of edges: $c: X^{(r)} \rightarrow \{red, ~blue\}$ $Y \subset X$ is a red $s$ set if $|Y| = s$ and $c(Y^{(r)}) =$ red. $R^{(r)}(s, t) = min\{n ~|~ |X| = n$ implies $X^{(r)}$ has a red $s$ set or a blue $t$ set $\}$ Ex: If $X = \{a, b, c, d\}$ then \hfil \break $X^{(2)} = \{ \{a, b\}, \{a, c\}, \{a, d\}, \{ b, c\}, \{b, d\}, \{c, d\} \} = K_4$ \vfill $R^{(2)}(s, t) = R(s, t)$ $X^{(3)} = \{ \{a, b, c\},\{a, b, d\},\{a, c, d\},\{b, c, d\} \}$ $X^{(4)} = \{\{a, b, c, d\}\}$ \end Ramsey Theory Pigeonhole Principle: If you have $n+1$ pigeons in $n$ pigeonholes, then at least one pigeonhole with be occupied by 2 or more pigeons. Example of a Ramsey theorem: In a group of 6 people, there are either 3 who know each other or 3 who are strangers to each other. van der Waerden't thm: If $k, p$ are given integers and $W$ is a large enough integer, then any partition of the set $\{1,2, 3 ..., W\}$ into $k$ disjoint subsets includes a subset that contains an arithmetic progression with $p$ terms. Fundamental Ramsey Theorems: Ramsey number = $R(s, t) = min\{n ~|~ $ if the edges of $K_n$ are colored red and blue, then there exists either a red $K_s$ or a blue $K_t \}$ $R(3, 3) = 6$. $R(s, t) = R(t, s)$. $R(s, 2) = R(2, s) = s$. Thm 1 (Erdos and Szekeres): $R(s, t)$ is finite for all $s, t \geq 2$. If $s > 2$, $t > 2$, then $$R(s, t) \leq R(s - 1, t) + R(s, t - 1)$$ and $$R(s, t) \leq \left(\matrix{s + t - 2 \cr s - 1}\right)$$ \end List coloring \r Thm 12: Let $G$ be a near triangulation with outer cycle $C = x_1x_2...x_k$ such that $L(x_1) = \{1\}$, $L(x_2) = \{2\}$, $|L(x_i)| \geq 3$, and $|L(x)| \geq 5$ for all $x \in V(G-C)$. Cor: Every planar graph is 5-colorable. \v %%\hrule \vfill \eject Perfect graphs \s Recall: $\chi(G) \geq \omega(G) = $ clique number of $G = max\{n ~|~ K_n \subset G\}$ $G$ is perfect if $\chi(H) = \omega(H)$ for every induced subgraph $H \subset G$. Ex: If $G$ is bipartite, $G$ is perfect. Ex: A triangle free graph containing an odd cycle is not perfect. If $G = (V, E)$, the complement of $G = \overline{G} = (V, V^{(2)} - E)$. Note: $\omega(\overline{G}) = \alpha(G)$ independence number of $G$ = maximal size of an independent set of vertices. Thm 15: The complement of a bipartite graph is perfect. Recall Cor 3.10: If $G$ bipartite, then $\alpha(G) =$ minimal number of edges and vertices covering all vertices (where $e = xy$ covers $x$ and $x$ covers $x$). %%Thm 16: If $G$ bipartite, then the line graph $H = L(G)$ and its complement %%$\overline{H}$ are perfect. %%Thm 17: Comparability graphs and their complements are perfect. Thm 18: A graph $G$ is perfect iff for every induced subgraph $H \subset G$, there is an independent set of vertices $I$ such that $\omega(H - I) < \omega(I)$ I.e., $G$ is perfect iff every induced subgraph $H$, there exists an independent set of vertices $I$ such that $I \cap D \not= \emptyset$ for every clique $D$ of maximal order $\omega(G)$. (recall, a clique = maximal complete subgraph). Thm 19: A graph, $H$, obtained from a perfect graph, $G$ by replacing its vertices with perfect graphs, $G_i$ is perfect ($v(H) = \cup V(G_i)$, $E(H) = [\cup E(G_i)] \cup \{v_iv_j ~|~ v_i \in G_i, v_j \in G_j$ such that the vertices in $G$ corresponding to $G_i, G_j$ are adjacent $\}$). Thm 20: The complement of a perfect graph is perfect. \end