\magnification 1800 \parindent 0pt \parskip 11pt \nopagenumbers \hsize 7.5truein \vsize 9.9 truein \hoffset -0.45truein \def\u{\vskip -7pt} \def\v{\vskip -5pt} \input ../../../PAPERS/GOLD/psfig Thm 3.2 (Landau). If vertex $u$ has maximum score in a tournament $(V, A)$, then for all $v \in V$, either $(u, v) \in A$ or there exists $w \in V$ such that $(u, w) \in A$ and $(w, v) \in A$. \v Or in other works if $u$ has maximum score than for every other player $v$, either $u$ beats $v$ or $u$ beats another player, $w$, who beats $v$. Proof: Take $v \in V$. Case 1: If $(u, v) \in A$, then the conclusion holds. Case 2: Suppose $(u, v) \not\in A$. Then we need to find $w \in V$ such that $(u, w) \in A$ and $(w, v) \in A$. Suppose $s(u) = k$ and $\{w_1, ..., w_k\}$ is the set of all vertices such that $(u, w_i) \in A$. We need a $j$ such that $(w_j, v) \in A$. Proof by contradiction. Assume there does not exist a $j$ such that $(w_j, v) \in A$. Hence for all $j$, $(w_j, v) \not\in A$. Since $(V, A)$ is a tournament, $(w_j, v) \not\in A$ implies $(v, w_j) \in A$. [Thus $s(v) \geq k$]. Since $(V, A)$ is a tournament, $(u, v) \not\in A$ implies $(v, u) \in A$. Thus $s(v) \geq k+1 > s(u)$. But this contradicts the hypothesis that $u$ has maximum score. \v\v \vfill Hence our assumption is wrong and there does exist a $j$ such that $(w_j, v) \in A$. \end