\magnification 2250 \parindent 0pt \parskip 8pt \nopagenumbers \hsize 7.5truein \vsize 9.9 truein \hoffset -0.45truein \def\u{\vskip -7pt} \def\v{\vskip -5pt} \input ../../../PAPERS/GOLD/psfig Thm 2.8: An acyclic digraph, $D$ has a unique vertex basis consisting of all vertices with no incoming arcs. Proof: Let $B$ be the set of all vertices with no incoming arcs. If $v \in B$. Then since $v$ has no incoming arcs, $v$ is only reachable from itself. Thus $B$ must be a subset of any vertex base. Suppose $u \not\in B$. Let $u_1 = u$. Then $u_1$ has an incoming arc $(u_2, u_1)$. If $u_2 \in B$, then $u_1$ is reachable from a vertex in $B$. If $u_2 \not\in B$ then $u_2$ has an incoming arc $(u_3, u_2)$. Suppose the path $u_n, ..., u_1$ is defined such that all vertices are distinct. If $u_n \in B$, then $u$ is reachable from a vertex in $B$. If $u_n \not\in B$ then $u_n$ has an incoming arc $(u_{n+1}, u_n)$. If $u_{n+1} = u_i$ for some $i = 1, ..., n$, then $u_{n+1}, u_n, ..., u_i$ is a cycle, a contradiction. Hence all the vertices of $u_{n+1}, u_n, ..., u_1$ are distinct. Since the number of vertices of $D$ is finite, this process must eventually end, say with the path $u_t, ..., u_1$. Since we cannot continue this process, $u_t$ must not have any incoming arcs. Hence $u_t \in B$, and hence $u$ is reachable from a vertex in $B$. Thus any vertex basis must be contained in $B$. Hence $B$ is the unique vertex basis of $D$. \end