\input epsf \input graphicx \magnification 1850 \parindent 0pt \parskip 10pt \pageno=1 \hsize 7.2truein \hoffset -0.35truein \voffset -0.3truein \vsize 10truein \def\u{\vskip -10pt} \def\v{\vfill} \def\s{\vskip -5pt} \def\r{\vskip -4pt} \def\t{\vskip 10pt} \def\Z{\cal Z} \def\hb{\hfil \break} \def\hr{\vskip 5pt \hrule } \def\S5{\Sigma_{n=1}^5} \underbar{6.5 Another Forbidden Position Problem} {\bf Goal:} To {\bf derive} a formula for counting the number of permutations with relative forbidden positions. Ex: Suppose children 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 sit in a row in class. Children 1 and 2 cannot sit next to each other or they will cause trouble. The order in which the children sit corresponds to a permutation of $\{1, 2, 3, 4, 5\}$. If 1 is in the $i$th spot, then 2 cannot be in the $i-1$st spot or the $i+1$th spot. Thus the pattern 21 or 12 cannot appear in our permutation. This is called a relative forbidden position as certain positions for the placement of 2 are forbidden, but these forbidden positions depend on the placement of 1. We will focus on the relative forbidden position problem in which Let $Q_n = $ the number of permutations of $\{1, 2, ..., n\}$ in which none of the patterns 12, 23, 34, ..., $(n-1)n$ occurs. Thm 6.5.1 $Q_n= n! - \left(\matrix{n-1 \cr 1}\right) (n-1)! + \left(\matrix{n -1 \cr 2}\right) (n-2)! - ... + \left(\matrix{n-1 \cr n-1}\right) (-1)^{n-1} 1!$ Proof: Use inclusion-exclusion principle. Let $S =$ the set of permutations of $\{1, ..., n\}$. Then $|S| = n!$. Let $A_j$ = set of permutations which contain the pattern $j(j+1)$ for $j = 1, ..., {\bf n-1}$. To determine $|A_j|$, we can first look at all the permutations of $\{1, 2, ..., j, j+ 2, ..., n\}$. Since this set has $n-1$ elements, the number of permutations of $\{1, 2, ..., j, j+ 2, ..., n\} = (n-1)!$. Note that these permutations are in 1-1 correspondence with $A_j$ as any permutation in $A_j$ can be formed from a permutation of $\{1, 2, ..., j, j+ 2, ..., n\}$ by inserting $j+1$ right after $j$. Thus $|A_j| = (n-1)!$ Claim: $|A_i \cap A_j| = (n-2)!$ if $1 \leq i < j \leq n$ Suppose $|i - j| \geq 2$. In this case, $A_i \cap A_j$ is in 1-1 correspondence with permutations of a set of $n-2$ elements as we can create any permutation of $\{1, 2, ..., i, i+2, ..., j, j+ 2, ..., n\}$ by taking a permutation in $A_i \cap A_j$ and deleting $i+1$ and $j+1$. Thus $|A_j| = (n-2)!$ in this case. Suppose $|i - j| = 1$. Thus $j = i+1$ (since we assumed $i < j$). $A_i \cap A_{i+1}$ is the set of permutations which contain the pattern $i~ i + 1$ and the pattern $i+1~ i+2$. Thus $A_i \cap A_{i+1}$ is the set of permutations which contain the pattern $i ~i + 1~ i+2$. Thus $A_i \cap A_{i+1}$ is in 1-1 correspondence with permutations of a set of $n-2$ elements as we can create any permutation of $\{1, 2, ..., i, i+3, ..., n\}$ by taking a permutation in $A_i \cap A_{i+1}$ and deleting $i+1$ and $i+2$. Thus $|A_i \cap A_{i+1}| = (n-2)!$ in this case as well. Similarly, $|A_{i_1} \cap A_{i_2} \cap ... \cap A_{i_k}| = (n-k)!$. Thus by inclusion-exclusion $Q_n = n! - \Sigma_{j = 1}^{n-1} (n-1)! + \Sigma_{i, j}(n-2)! - ... + (-1)^n (n -n)!$ $= \left(\matrix{n-1 \cr 0}\right) n! - \left(\matrix{n-1 \cr 1}\right) (n-1)! + \left(\matrix{n-1 \cr 2}\right) (n-2)! - ... + \left(\matrix{n-1 \cr n-1}\right) (-1)^{n-1} 1!$ \end Recall $\left(\matrix{n-1 \cr k}\right) =$ number of ways to choose $k$ $A_i$'s where $1 \leq i \leq n-1$. \end