Include references (including references to ideas).
To access the topology table from a linux box (or from an xterm or any terminal from which you can use ssh:
cd /web/math/
cd ../topo_tbl/
You can use pico or other text editor (eg emacs, vi) to create your file (use control-X to exit, control-O to save -- see commands at bottom of window). For example
pico row_column.html
open index.html (eg pico index.html) to add a link to your file" <a href="row_column.html"> answer </a> where answer might be yes (if holds for arbitrary), open, closed, sometimes, no, etc.
To make your file accessible, type:
chmod 777 *
ignore errors or use chmod 777 filename.
NOTE: This directory is open to everyone in this course. Hence keep a back-up of all your files as anyone in this class can modify and even delete the files in this directory
Create Your Own Personal Web Page at UI
HTML special characters and symbols
You can start a new paragraph, but putting <p> between your paragraphs.
Use <br> to start a new line
Subscript: T<sub>1</sub> to create T2
Superscript: T<sup>2</sup> to create T2
Your answer should be as complete as possible. For example, if a property does not hold for arbitrary subspaces, does it hold for subspaces which are closed or open or etc, in the big space. If a property does not hold true for all subspaces, give counter-examples (open/closed/etc).
<a href="FALL08/filename"> answer </a> where answer might be yes (if holds for arbitrary), open, closed, sometimes, no, etc.
filename should be row_column.html or column_row.pdf (for example, T0_subspace.html).
If you use html, please use the following header:
<h3><a name=" row_column">A column of a row space is/is not row
where instead of "A column of a row space is/is not row", use a
descriptive title.
If you wish to use latex, see Oct 31 e-mail titled: MathJax installation = LaTeX on web pages