\magnification 2200 \parindent 0pt \parskip 12pt \hsize 7.2truein \vsize 9.7 truein \hoffset -0.45truein \def\w{\vskip 12pt} \def\u{\vskip -7pt} \def\v{\vskip -6pt} \def\h{\hskip 10pt} The quotient topology: \u Recommended problems: 22: 2, 4 Defn: $p: X \rightarrow Y$ is a quotient map if $p$ is surjective and $U$ open in $Y$ if and only if $p^{-1}(U)$ open in $X$. Note $p$ is continuous. Defn: $f: X \rightarrow Y$ is an open map if $U$ open in $X$ implies $f(U)$ open in $Y$. $g:X \rightarrow Y$ is a closed map if $A$ closed in $X$ implies $f(A)$ closed in $Y$. Lemma. A continuous surjective open map is a quotient map. A continuous surjective closed map is a quotient map. \w \vfil Let $A = \{(x, y) \in {\cal R} \times {\cal R}~|~ x \geq 0 ~or ~ y = 0\}$. Then $\pi_1|_A: A \rightarrow {\cal R}$ is a quotient map which is neither open nor closed. \vfil \w \eject Defn: The fiber of $p$ over $y$ is $p^{-1}(y)$. \u $C \subset X$ is saturated (w.r.t $p$) if there exists $D \subset Y$ such that $C = p^{-1}(D). \u Thus a quotient map takes saturated open sets to open sets. \u Defn: Given a surjective map $p: X \rightarrow Y$, the quotient topology on $Y$ = $\{ U ~|~ p^{-1}(U)$ open$\}$ Thm 22.2: Let $p: X \rightarrow Y$ be a quotient map. Suppose $g: X \rightarrow Z$ is constant on each fiber (i.e. $g|_p^{-1}(y)$ is a constant function). Then $g$ induces a unique map $f: Y \rightarrow Z$ such that $f \circ p = g$. $f$ is continuous if and only if $g$ is continuous. $f$ is a quotient map if and only if $g$ is a quotient map. \w Cor 22.3: Let $g: X \rightarrow Z$ be a continuous surjective map. Let $X^* = \{g^{-1}(\{z\} ~|~ z \in Z\}$. Give $X^*$ the quotient topology. $g$ induces a bijective continuous map $f: X^* \rightarrow Z$ which is a homeomorphism if and only if $g$ is a quotient map. \w The quotient map does not behave well w.r.t subspaces, products, preserving topological properties. \end