Spring 2004 22M:132:001 General Topology 3 s.h. 12:30P - 1:20P MWF 210 MLH

 Instructor:  Dr. Isabel Darcy                      Office: B1H MLH                      Phone: 319-335-0778
 Email: darcy AT            Office Hours: M 2:30-3:20, WF 10:30-11:30, and by appt.
 Course WWW site:

 Required Textbook: Munkres's Topology
 Course Description:  Basic concepts of general topological spaces and continuous functions: topological structures defined via bases, subspaces, products, quotients, spaces of functions; compactness, connectedness, countability, separation properties; Urysohn's Lemma, applications to metrization and extensions of maps; infinite products and Tychonoff theorem; complete metric spaces; materials on nets, filters, uniform structures.
Prerequisite:  22M:115 Introduction to Analysis I or 22M:130 Elementary Topology or graduate standing or consent of instructor

 Grading system

HW, & Class participation: 25% 90% <= A- < 91 <= A 
Quizzes:  25%  80% <= B- < 81 <= B < 89 <= B+ < 90%
Midterm:  25%  70% <= C- < 71 <= C < 79 <= C+ < 80%
Final: 25% (tentatively 9:45 am Friday, 5/14 ) F < 55% <= D- < 60 <= D < 65 <= D+ < 70

HW:  Late HW and corrections may be turned in by April 30th for 50% credit. Corrections must be accompanied by the entire corresponding graded HW assignment.   Quizzes may be given on a random basis and may be given unannounced.  Some quizzes will include definitions and problems which may be similar to your HW. Some quizzes may be worth significantly more than other quizzes.

  THERE IS NO CURVE IN THIS CLASS but improvement may be taken into consideration.

Attendance and absences: Your attendance at each scheduled class meeting is expected. You are responsible for material covered in class and announcements made during class; these may include changes in the syllabus. Absences from exams will require a compelling reason, and must be arranged with your instructor in advance.

Notes to Student: (1) Please let your instructor know if you have a disability that requires special arrangements. (2) The main office of the Department of Mathematics is in 14 MLH. To make an appointment to speak with the chair of the department, call 335-0708 or contact the departmental secretary in 14C MLH.

You may collaborate with other students on the homework; however, each individual student is responsible for turning in your own homework in your own words. Copying is not collaboration and will be prosecuted under scholastic dishonesty. Any significant collaboration should be acknowledged.

Policy on Scholastic Dishonesty: Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the possibility of failure in the course and/or dismissal from The University. Since such dishonesty harms the individual, all students and the integrity of The University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced.