\magnification 1200 \parindent 0pt \parskip 10pt \hsize 7.2truein \vsize 9.7 truein \hoffset -0.45truein \def\u{\vskip -7pt} \def\v{\vskip -6pt} HW 2 (p 83: 4, 8) 4a.) Since $\emptyset, X \in {\cal T}_\alpha$ for all $\alpha$, $\emptyset, X \in \cap {\cal T}_\alpha$ Suppose $U_\beta \in \cap{\cal T}_\alpha$ for all $\beta \in B$. Then $U_\beta \in {\cal T}_\alpha$ for all $\alpha, \beta$. Since ${\cal T}_\alpha$ is a topology, $\cup_{\beta \in B} U_\beta \in {\cal T}_\alpha$ for all $\alpha$. Thus $\cup_{\beta \in B} U_\beta \in \cap{\cal T}_\alpha$ Suppose $U_i \in \cap{\cal T}_\alpha$ for $i = 1, ..., n$. Then $U_i \in {\cal T}_\alpha$ for all $\alpha, i = 1, ..., n$. Since ${\cal T}_\alpha$ is a topology, $\cap_{i=1}^n U_i \in {\cal T}_\alpha$ for all $\alpha$. Thus $\cap_{i= 1}^n U_i \in \cap{\cal T}_\alpha$ Let ${\cal T}_1 = \{\emptyset, \{a, b\}, \{a, b, c\}\}$ and ${\cal T}_2 = \{\emptyset, \{b, c\}, \{a, b, c\}\}$. Then ${\cal T}_1 \cup {\cal T}_2 = \{\emptyset, \{a, b\}, \{b, c\}, \{a, b, c\}\}$. $\{a, b\} \cap \{b, c\} = \{b\} \not\in {\cal T}_1 \cup {\cal T}_2$. Thus, ${\cal T}_1 \cup {\cal T}_2$ is not a topology. 4b.) Lemma: $\cap{\cal T}_\alpha$ is the unique largest topology contained in all the ${\cal T}_\alpha$. $\cap{\cal T}_\alpha$ is a topology contained in all the ${\cal T}_\alpha$. Suppose ${\cal T}$ is a topology contained in all the ${\cal T}_\alpha$. Then ${\cal T} \subset {\cal T}_\alpha$ for all $\alpha$ implies ${\cal T} \subset \cap {\cal T}_\alpha$. Therefore $\cap{\cal T}_\alpha$ is larger than or equal to all other topologies contained in all the ${\cal T}_\alpha$ and thus $\cap{\cal T}_\alpha$ is the unique largest topology contained in all the ${\cal T}_\alpha$. Lemma: $\cup{\cal T}_\alpha$ is a subbasis for the unique smallest topology containing all the ${\cal T}_\alpha$. Since $X \in {\cal T}_\alpha$, $\cup_{U_\beta \in \cup{\cal T}_\alpha} U_\beta = X$. Thus, $\cup{\cal T}_\alpha$ is a subbasis. Let ${\cal T}$ be the topology generated by the subbasis $\cup{\cal T}_\alpha$. Suppose that ${\cal T}'$ is a topology containing all the ${\cal T}_\alpha$. Then $\cup{\cal T}_\alpha \subset {\cal T}'$. If $U \in {\cal T}$, then $U = \cup_{\beta \in B} (\cap_{i=1}^n U_{i, \beta}$) where $U_{i, \beta} \in \cup {\cal T}_\alpha \subset {\cal T}'$. Hence $U \in {\cal T}'$, and thus ${\cal T} \subset {\cal T}'$. Therefore ${\cal T}$ is smaller than all or equal to other topologies containing all the ${\cal T}_\alpha$ and thus ${\cal T}$ is the unique smallest topology containing all the ${\cal T}_\alpha$. 4c.) The largest topology contained in ${\cal T}_1$ and ${\cal T}_2$ = ${\cal T}_1 \cap {\cal T}_2 = \{\emptyset, \{a\}, \{a, b, c\}\}$. A subbasis for the largest topology containing ${\cal T}_1$ and ${\cal T}_2$ = ${\cal T}_1 \cup {\cal T}_2 = \{\emptyset, \{a\}, \{a, b\}, \{b, c\}\{a, b, c\}\}$. Thus, the largest topology containing ${\cal T}_1$ and ${\cal T}_2 = \{\emptyset, \{a\}, \{b\}, \{a, b\}, \{b, c\}, \{a, b, c\}\}$. 8a.) Let ${\cal B} = \{(a,b) ~|~ a < b, a$ and $b$ rational$\}$. Since $(a, b)$ is open for every $a < b, a$ and $b$ rational, ${\cal B}$ is a collection of open sets of $R$ with the standard topology. Suppose that $U$ is an open set in $R$ and $x \in U$. Since ${\cal B}' = \{(a,b) ~|~ a < b, a$ and $b$ real numbersl$\}$ is a basis for the standard topology and $U$ is open, there exists $a, b \in R$, $a < b$ such that $x \in (a, b) \subset U$. Since the rationals are dense in $R$, there exists $c, d$ such that $a < c < x < d < b$. Thus $x \in (c, d) \subset U$. Since $(c, d) \in {\cal B}$, ${\cal B}$ is a basis for the standard topology. 8b.) Let ${\cal T}$ be the topology generated by ${\cal C}$. $[\pi, 4)$ is open in the lower limit topology since it is a basis element, but $[\pi, 4)$ is not open in ${\cal T}$. $\pi \in [\pi, 4)$. If $\pi \in [a, b)$ where $a, b$ are rational, then $a \leq \pi < b$. Since $a$ is rational and $\pi$ is irrational, $a \not= \pi$. Thus $a < \pi < b$. Hence ${a + \pi \over 2} \in [a, b)$, but ${a + \pi \over 2} \not\in [\pi, 4)$. Thus $[a, b) \not\subset [\pi, 4)$. Hence there does not exists a basis element, $[a, b)$ in ${\cal C}$ such that $\pi \in [a, b) \subset[\pi, 4)$. Thus $[\pi, 4)$ is not open in ${\cal T}$. \end