\magnification 2200 \parindent 0pt \parskip 20pt \nopagenumbers \hsize 7.5truein \vsize 9.9 truein \hoffset -0.45truein \def\u{\vskip -10pt} \def\v{\vskip -5pt} \input ../../../PAPERS/GOLD/psfig 43: Complete Metric Spaces $(X, d)$ is a metric space. Defn: $x_n$ is Cauchy if for all $\epsilon > 0$, there exists an $N$ such that for all $n, m > N$, $d(x_n, x_m) < \epsilon$. Defn: $(X, d)$ is complete if every Cauchy sequence in $X$ converges in $X$. Lemma: convergent implies Cauchy Lemma: $(X, d)$ complete, $A$ closed in $X$ implies $(A, d)$ is complete. Lemma: $(X, d)$ complete if and only if $(X, \overline{d})$ is complete where $\overline{d}(x, y) = min\{d(x, y), 1\}$. Lemma 43.1: $(X, d)$ is complete if every Cauchy sequence has a convergent subsequence. Lemma: A Cauchy sequence is bounded. \u Thm 43.2: $R^k$ is complete in both the euclidean metric $d$ or the square metric $\rho$. Lemma 43.3: ${\bf x_n} \rightarrow {\bf x}$ in $\Pi X_\alpha$ if and only if \centerline{$\pi_\alpha({\bf x_n}) \rightarrow \pi_\alpha({\bf x})$} Thm 43.4: ${\cal R}^\omega$ is complete with respect to \centerline{$D({\bf x}, {\bf y}) = sup\{{\overline{d}(x_i, y_i) \over i}\}$} Recall $Y^J = \{(y_\alpha)_{\alpha \in J}\}= \{f: J \rightarrow Y\}$ \vskip 5pt \centerline{where $f(\alpha) = y_\alpha$} Thus, $\overline{\rho}({\bf x}, {\bf y}) = sup\{\overline{d}(x_\alpha, y_\alpha) \}$ is the same as \centerline{$\overline{\rho}(f, g) = sup\{\overline{d}(f(\alpha), g(\alpha) \}$} Thm 43.5: $(Y, d)$ complete implies $Y^J$ is complete with respect to the uniform metric. Recall $f$ bounded if $f(X)$ is bounded \hfil \break [there exists $B(x_0, r)$ such that $f(X) \subset B(x_0, r)$]. Defn: ${\cal B}(X, Y) = \{f: J \rightarrow Y ~|~ f$ bounded $\}$. If $X$ is a topological space, define \centerline{${\cal C}(X, Y) = \{f: J \rightarrow Y ~|~ f$ continuous $\}$.} Thm 43.6: ${\cal C}(X, Y)$ and ${\cal B}(X, Y)$ are closed subsets of $Y^X$ under the uniform topology. Thus if $Y$ is complete in uniform metric, ${\cal C}(X, Y)$ and ${\cal B}(X, Y)$ are complete. Defn: The sup metric, ${\rho}(f, g) = sup\{{d}(f(\alpha), g(\alpha) \}$, is a metric on ${\cal B}(X, Y)$ Note: $\overline{\rho}(f, g) = $ min$\{ {\rho}(f, g), 1\}$. Note: If $X$ compact, $Y^X = {\cal B}(X, Y)$ Thm 43.7: There is an isometric imbedding of $(X, d)$ into a complete metric space. Defn: If $h: X \rightarrow Y$ is an isometric imbedding of metric space $X$ into complete metric space $Y$, then $\overline{h(X)}$ is a complete metric space called the completion of $X$. The completion of $X$ is uniquely determined up to isometry. HW 33: 1; 43: 8, 10 \vskip 10pt \hrule 44: There exists a continuous surjective function \centerline{$f: [0, 1] \rightarrow [0, 1] \times [0, 1]$.} \end The $ij^{th}$ entry of $P^k$ is the probability that you are in the jth state after exactly $k$ steps given that you started in the ith state. Suppose that $p_i$ is the probability that you start in state $i$. Let $p = (p_1, ..., p_n)$. Then $pP^k = (s_1, ..., s_n)$ where $s_j$ is the probability that you are in the jth state after exactly $k$ steps. If $P = \left(\matrix{I & 0 \cr R & Q}\right)$, then can use $Q^k$ instead of $P^k$. {\bf If there are transient states:} If $Q$ represents transient states, then $lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}Q^n} = 0$ If $N = (I - Q)^{-1} = \Sigma_{n=0}^\infty$, then the $ij^{th}$ entry of $N$ is the expected number of times you are in state $j$ given that you started in state $i$. Hence the expected number of steps before absorption is the sum of the ith row of $(I - Q)^{-1} $ given that you started in state $i$. If $B = NR = (I - Q)^{-1}R$, then $b_{ij} is the probability that absorbed in state $j$ given that you started in state $i$. {\bf Ergodic (there are NO transient states):} {\it If regular (i.e. $P^k$ is a positive matrix for some $k$):} $P^n$ is a positive matrix for all large $n$ ($n \geq k$). $lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}P^n} = W = \left(\matrix{{\bf w} \cr . \cr . \cr . \cr {\bf w} }\right)$ $lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}pP^n = w} $wP = w$ If $E = (I - Z + JZ_{dg})D$, then $e_{ij}$ is the expected number of steps from state $i$ to state $j$ (without going through state $j$ in between, i.e., first time getting to/returning to state $j$). $ e_{ii} = {1 \over w_i}$ Regular if and only if period = 1. {\it If not regular} Period > 1 Fix i: d = Period = gcd$\{ n ~|~ $ there is a path from $u_i$ to $u_i$ of length $n \}$ States can be partitioned into $d$ periodic classes, $C_0, ..., C_{d-1}$ such that if you start at a vertex in $C_i$, then after $k$ steps, you are in a vertex in $C_{i + k (mod d)}. \end