\magnification 2200 \vsize 10truein \hsize 6.5truein \parindent 0pt \parskip 7pt \def\u{\vskip -5pt} \def\v{\vskip 20pt } \def\w{\vskip 1.5in } \nopagenumbers A space, $X$, is compact if every open cover of $X$ contains a finite subcover. A space, $X$, is compact if for every collection ${\cal C}$ of closed sets in $X$ having the finite intersection property, $\cap_{C \in {\cal C}} C \not= \emptyset$. A space, $X$, is limit point compact if every infinite subset of $X$ has a limit point. A space, $X$, is sequentially compact if every sequence has a convergent subsequence. Thm 28.1 Compactness implies limit point compactness, but not conversely. HW: p. 178: 4, 6, p. 194: 1 \u HW: limit point compactness does not implies sequential compactness. \u HW: Suppose $X$ is first countable and $T_1$, then limit point compactness implies sequential compactness. Thm 28.2: In a metrizable space $X$, the following are equivalent 1.) $X$ is compact \u 2.) $X$ is limit point compact \u 3.) $X$ is sequentially compact. \end limit point compactness does not implies sequentially compactness. compactness does not imply sequential compactness (Hint consider $[0, 1]^\omega$). Sequentially compact implies countably compact, but not vice versa. HW: Sequential compactness implies limit point compactness. 2a.) Given the following digraph, D, find the ergodic chains and the absorbing chain that can be used to study D. \end