Syllabus: 22M:100:000 (MATH:2560:0091) (MATH:3600:0001) Introductn Ordinary Differential Equations

Spring 2013 10:30A - 11:20A MWF 205 MLH

Instructor:  Dr. Isabel Darcy                  Office:B1H MLH                     Phone: 335- 0778
Email: idarcymath+100 AT or isabel-darcy AT           
Office Hours: MF 11:40 - 12+, Tu 2:00pm - 3:20pm, Th 2:00 - 3:00pm and by appt.
Note: + means I will be also available directly after the office hour, normally for as long as needed.
DEO: Dan Anderson,14 MLH

Course WWW site:
Check this for a list of assignments so far, possible changes in the course schedule, and electronic copies of course handouts.

Description of Course: Topics include first-order ordinary differential equations, second-order linear differential equations, series solutions, higher order linear and matrix differential equations, and existence and uniqueness theorems. Not recommended for students who have taken 22M:034, since there is considerable overlap. Requirements include in-class exams and a comprehensive final exam; homework involving problem solving is emphasized. Quizzes and/or homework will be collected.

Prerequisites: 22M:027 (MATH:2700) and 22M:028 (MATH:2850), or 22M:056 (MATH:3780)

Objectives and Goals of the Course: See course website for a list of sections we will cover. By the end of this course, you should
1.) have a good understanding of the sections covered in class and via assigned readings.
2.) Be prepared for more theoretical courses such as 22M:055.

You should read all sections/handouts/web material corresponding to covered material and/or assigned problems.  There may be test questions related to this reading even if not covered in class. 

Text: Boyce and DiPrima, "Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems," 8th or 9th edition (see note).

Grading system (all dates tentative):
HW & Quizzes: 25% 90% <= A- < 91% <= A 
Exam 1: 25% 80% <= B- < 81% <= B < 89% <= B+ < 90%
Exam 2:  25%  70% <= C- < 71% <= C < 79% <= C+ < 80%
Final:  25%  60% <= D- < 61% <= D < 69% <= D+ < 70%
  F < 60%

GRADING & EXAMS:  All work must be shown in order to receive credit.  This holds for all exams including the final, all quizzes, and homework.  Important note:  If no work is shown, you may receive zero credit even if your answer is correct.

2 exams and a final will be given.  Locations TBA.  You are required to bring identification to all exams.   Calculators may NOT be allowed.  You are required to pick up your exams and keep them until the end of the semester.  The final exam will be cumulative.
A Word about the Date and Time of the Final Exam: The final examination date and time will be announced during the first half of the semester by the Registrar. I will announce the final examination date and time for this course at the course ICON site once it is known. Do not plan your end of the semester travel plans until the final exam schedule is made public.

THERE IS NO CURVE IN THIS CLASS, but improvement may be taken into consideration.

If there is a mistake in grading, you must report this mistake within one week from when the exam, homework, etc. has been handed back to the class (whether or not you picked up your exam, homework, etc).

Attendance and absences: Your attendance at each scheduled class meeting and problem section is expected.  You are  responsible for material covered in class and announcements made during class; these may include changes in the syllabus.

You may collaborate with other students on the homework;   however, each individual student is responsible for turning in your own homework in your own words.  Copying is not collaboration and will be prosecuted under scholastic dishonesty.  Any significant collaboration should be acknowledged.

The University policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced.

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Policies and Procedures

The CLAS policy statements have been summarized from the web pages of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.