CS:3330 Algorithms Project 4: Due 12/10/2019
For this assignment, you will create a random square maze of a size provided by the user and display the maze on the screen.
The creation of the maze is introduced in the last
section of the lecture notes on disjoint sets:
Chapter 07.pdf
You are asked to complete the following tasks:
Task 1: Implement the efficient O(1) time union by height and O(h) time find with path compression based on the array data structure.
Task 2: Use the union and find operations to create a random maze of a given size.
Task 3: Display the maze correctly on the terminal.
Task 4: Using the depth-first search, find the path from the entrance to the exit of the maze, and display the path in the maze.
To help you get started, we provide the following java
as the first step of your project.
Please submit your code file maze.java along with a transcript
of its executions with the maze size = 10, 20, 30, respectively.
Submit everything in the ICON dropbox for Project 4 before the deadline.
Thank you!