Please create a method called task1, which compares the performances of four methods, i.e., mergesort, mergesort2, quicksort, and quicksort2, on the same set of 100 random arrays of size 1,000,000. The method task1 will create these 100 examples and summerize the running time for each method. Based on the experimental results, draw your conclusions.
Please create a method called task2, which compares the performances of four methods, i.e., quicksort, quicksort2, quicksort3 and quicksort4, on the same set of 10 random arrays of size 1,000,000, plus 10 copies of sorted and reversely sorted arrays of size 10,000,000. The method task2 will create these examples and summerize the running time for each method. Based on the experimental results, draw your conclusions.
Please create a method called task3, which compares the performances of five methods, i.e., heapsort, quicksort, quicksort5, quicksort6, and the quicksort method used as the base for quicksort5 and quicksort6, on the same set of arrays of size 1,000,000, including 10 copies random arrays, 10 copies of reversely sorted arrays, and 10 copies of organ-pipe shaped inputs (the first half is from n/2 downto 1 and the second half from 1 to n/2, where n is the size of the array). The method task3 will create these examples and summerize the running time for each method. Based on the experimental results, draw your conclusions.
On, the illustration shows that heapsort is often the winner for reversely sorted arrays. Do you agree or disagree? Draw your conclusion with justification.
Please compare the performances of quicksort (choosing the best quicksort you have), heapsort, mergesort, natural mergesort, and insertion sort on k-exchanges and k-distances arrays for various k values. You will create a method called task4, which takes k = 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, create 100 k-distance arrays of size 5,000,000, run in turn the chosen sorting methods on each array, and collect running times. Then for k = 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, create 100 k-exchange arrays of size 5,000,000, run in turn the chosen sorting methods on each array, and collect running times. Based on the collected running times, draw your conclusion with justification. Is your conclusion consistent with the conclusion of
Please submit your modified code, including your conclusions and a transcript of its execution, in the ICON dropbox for Project 3 before the deadline.
Finally, a note on cmputing time. Today's computers run fast. If you run on a small input, the computing time is too small to tell the difference. However, not everyone can easily access a fast computer. If one sorting job takes more 10 minutes, you may stop it from running and use a smaller input. Please document this in your report.
Thank you!