Week #5: Gradients & Level Sets in 2D  
September 20-24
Computer Lab this Tuesday -- due the following Tuesday Sept. 28.

Mon Lect: .
1. Computer demo of tangent planes.
Reason for the directional derivative of a non-linear function to be equal to the directional derivative of its linear approximation.
3.  Error propogation.  
4.  Contour Graphs of Linear Functions.   
5.  Start on contour graphs of non-linear functions

Sect.4.1, Ex. 1(b), (c), 2, 3, 4  
Due Thursday Sept 30

Tue Disc: Computer Lab 1245 SC

Submit to Bb6 in the form "JonesSLab2.nb"

Wed Lect:  Contour graphs and level curves of non-linear functions.  The role of the gradient.

Sect. 4.2, Ex. 1(c), 2(c), 3, 4.   Due Thursday Sept 30.

Thu Disc:  emphasize various meanings and uses of the gradient.

Fri Lect:  Implicit function theorems.   Smoothness of functions of several variables.

Sect. 4.2, Ex. 5(a), (b), (c), 6, 7  
Sect. 4.5, Ex. 1, 2.  Due Thursday Sept 30.

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