Sukumar Ghosh, 201P Maclean Hall, 319-335-0738,
Class meeting time: 2:00 - 3:15 PM TTh in 110 MLH
Semester hours: 3
Office hours: 3:30-5:00 PM Tuesdays and Thursdays, or by appointment
1. Thamer Alsulaiman, Office and Office hours to be announced.
2. Chao Yang, Office and Office hours to be announced
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (7th Edition), by Rosen, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 978-0-07-338309-5
This is an introduction to mathematical methods used in studying problems of computer science. The topics covered include: mathematical logic; proof techniques, especially mathematical induction; set theory, functions, and relations; procedures, recursion, discrete probability; recurrence relations; analysis of algorithms; counting methods, permutations and combinations; graphs and trees.
There will be six home assignments (4% x 6=24%), four quizzes (4% x 4 = 16%), two midterm exams (15% x 2 = 30%) and a final exam (30%).
Exam 1: February 24, 2015, Tuesday, (in class)
Exam 2: March 31, 2015, Tuesday, (in class)
Final Exam: May 13, 2015, Wednesday, 3:00-5:00PM in LR2 VAN
Letter grades will be assigned roughly as follows:
A+ = 95-100 B+ = 80-84 C+ = 65-69 D+ = 50-54 F = 0-39 A = 90-94 B = 75-79 C = 60-64 D = 45-49 A- = 85-89 B- = 70-74 C- = 55-59 D- = 40-44
The instructor reserves the right to make minor modifications in the grading
First day handout
Frequently asked questions
Tentative Course Plan
Homework 1 Assigned, see ICON
Homework 2 Assigned, see ICON
Homework 3 Assigned, see ICON
Homework 4 Assigned, see ICON
Homework 5 Assigned, see ICON
Homework 6 To be assigned
January 20-23, 2015 Week 1. Introduction and Scope Read Chapters 1.1-1.3 |
January 26-30, 2015 Week 2. Logic and Proof Read Chapters 1.4-1.8 |
February 2-6, 2015 Week 3. Sets and Functions Read Chapters 2.1-2.3, 2.5 |
February 9-13, 2015 Week 4. Sequences and Sums Read Chapters 2.4 |
February 16-20, 2015 Week 5. Algorithms and Complexity Read Chapters 3.1-3.3 |
February 23-27, 2015 Week 6. Integers, Modular Arithmetic and Cryptography Read Chapters 4.1-4.2 |
March 1-5, 2015 Week 7. Integers, Modular Arithmetic and Cryptography Read Chapters 4.3-4.6 |
March 8-12, 2015 Week 8. Induction and Recursion Read Chapters 5.1-5.4 |
March 22-26, 2015 Week 9. Recursion, Counting Read Chapters 6.1-6.5 |
March 29-April 3, 2015 Week 10. Counting Read Chapters 6.1-6.5 |
April 6-April 10, 2015 Week 11. Discrete Probability Read Chapters 7.1-7.4 |
April 13-April 17, 2015 Week 12. Advanced Counting Read Chapters 8.1-8.2, 8.5 |
April 20-April 24, 2015 Week 13. Relations Read Chapters 9.1-9.3 |
April 27-May 8, 2015 Week 14-15. Graphs and Trees Read Chapters 10.1-10.8, 11.1-11.5 |