Conference on Geometric Methods in Representation Theory

November 17-19, 2018

Confirmed Participants:

Milen Yakimov (Louisiana State University), keynote speaker

Justin Allman (U.S. Naval Academy)
Cihan Bahran (Univ. of Minnesota)
Victor Camillo (Univ. of Iowa)
Jon Carlson (Univ. of Georgia)
Ted Chinburg (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
Brett Collins (Fitchburg State Univ.)
Harm Derksen (Univ. of Michigan)
Christopher Drupieski (DePaul Univ.) 
Francesca Gandini (Univ. of Michigan) 
Alana Huszar (Univ. of Michigan)
Mio Iovanov (Univ. of Iowa)
Jasim Ismaeel (Univ. of Missouri)
Kostiantyn Iusenko (Univ. of Sao Paulo)
Maitreyee Kulkarni (Louisiana State Univ.) 
Zongzhu Lin (Kansas State Univ.)
Xingpeng Liu (Kansas State Univ.)
Andras Lorincz (Purdue Univ.)
Visu Makam (IAS Princeton)
Jacob Matherne (IAS Princeton) 
David Meyer (Smith College)
Shawn Nevalainen (Univ. of Iowa)
John O'Brien (Kansas State Univ.)
Amrei Oswald (Univ. of Iowa)
Roy Quintero (Univ. of Iowa)
Jenna Rajchgot (Univ. of Saskatchewan)
Praneel Samanta (Univ. of Iowa)
Alexandra Seceleanu (Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Emre Sen (Univ. of Iowa)
Khrystyna Serhiyenko (UC Berkeley)
Alex Sistko (Univ. of Iowa)
Le Tang (Univ. of Iowa)
José Vélez-Marulanda (Valdosta State Univ.)
Peter Webb (Univ. of Minnesota) 
Jerzy Weyman (Univ. of Connecticut)
Adam Wood (Univ. of Iowa)
Shijie Zhu (Univ. of Iowa) 

Frauke Bleher (Univ. of Iowa), organizer  
Calin Chindris (Univ. of Missouri), organizer  
Ryan Kinser (Univ. of Iowa), organizer and chair
Dan Kline (College of the Ozarks), organizer