Dale L. Zimmerman
Professor of Statistics
Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science
217 Schaeffer Hall
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone: (319) 335-0818
Email: dale-zimmerman@uiowa.edu
Research Interests:
Spatial statistics, linear models, experimental design, multivariate
analysis, environmetrics, sports statistics
Reading assignments for STAT:3101 Intro to Mathematical Statistics II, Spring 2025, from Hogg, Tanis, and Zimmerman:
January 22: Section 5.3
January 24: Sections 5.5, 5.6, and 5.7
January 27: Section 5.8
January 29: Section 6.1
January 31: Section 6.2
February 3: Pages 261-262 of Section 6.3
February 5: Remainder of Section 6.3
February 7: Pages 264-269 of Section 6.4
February 10: Remainder of Section 6.4
February 12: No reading
February 14: Section 6.6 (beginning at the bottom of page 287)
February 17: No reading
February 19: Section 6.7 (from the beginning through the middle of page 293)
February 21: Remainder of Section 6.7
February 24: Section 7.1
February 26: Section 7.2 (from the beginning through the middle of page 316)
February 28: No class
March 3: Remainder of Section 7.2
March 5: Section 7.3
March 7: Section 7.4
March 10: Section 7.5
March 12: Section 6.5
March 14: No class
Errata for Linear Model Theory: With Examples and Exercises, by Dale L. Zimmerman (2020), Springer.
Link to the pdf listing the errata
Errata for Probability and Statistical Inference, by R. V. Hogg, E. A. Tanis, and D. L. Zimmerman, 10th edition (2020): Pearson
1. Exercise 2.4-11: It should say "... and verify that it is positive if p < 0.5, zero if p = 0.5, and negative if p > 0.5."
2. Exercise 5.2-12: The known solution to this exercise requires some background in complex analysis, which is otherwise not a prerequisite for the book, so this exercise, though correct, really should not be included in the book. It will be removed in future editions.
3. Page 199: A better title for Section 5.5 would be "Distributions Associated with Sampling from Normal Distributions"
4. Page 273: In the pdf displayed four lines from the bottom, the entire denominator should be multiplied by pi.
5. Page 274: Wherever theta appears in Example 6.4-10, replace it with beta.
6. Exercise 6.4-21: The upper limit of support for x should be plus infinity, not theta.
7. Exercise 7.6-10: Symbols a, b, and c should be beta1-hat, beta2-hat, and beta3-hat, respectively.
8. Exercise 7.6-11: This exercise is correct, but out of place. Part (a) asks for the (sample) correlation coefficient, which is not defined until Section 9.6.
9. Exercise 7.7-6: This exercise is also correct but out of place as it involves calculation of the sample correlation coefficient, which is not defined until Section 9.6.
Dept. of Statistics and Actuarial Science