Cissus trifoliata
Cow-itch Vine


Plants as seen in their local environment

Cissus trifoliata - Cow-itch vine

Flowers - Buds, flower parts. The 4 petals (and stamens) separate this genus from Ampelopsis which has 5.

Cissus trifoliata - Cow-itch vine, flower parts

Flower Structures - Pedicels

Cissus trifoliata - Cow-itch vine, pedicels

Stem - Node, ribbed petiole.

Cissus trifoliata - Cow-itch vine, node, ribbed petiole

Stem - No hairs.

Cissus trifoliata - Cow-itch vine, hairless stem

Stem - Green center (pith).

Cissus trifoliata - Cow-itch vine, green pith

Stem - Note the pearl shaped glands

Cissus trifoliata - Cow-itch vine, green pith

Foliage - Succulent leaves with highly variable lobes, 3 leaflet groups.

Cissus trifoliata - Cow-itch vine

Foliage - Single leaf upper side, hairless (glabrous).

Cissus trifoliata - Cow-itch vine

Foliage - Leaflet lower side, hairless (glabrous).

Cissus trifoliata - Cow-itch vine, leaf lower side, hairless

Tendrils - Opposite from the leaf petiole. This characteristic distinguishes this species from that of the Balsam Gourd.

Cissus trifoliata - Cow-itch vine

Tendrils - Found on every node.

Cissus trifoliata - Cow-itch vine

Vines Gallery