Hairy water clover
Marsilea vestita
- Environment - This plant can grow in water or on land in moist soil.
- Fronds - Floating on water or above the soil.
- Leaves - Each frond consists of 4 triangular leaflets. Triangular shaped, very hirsute on the bottom. Hairs appressed.
- Rachis - Attached to the 4 leaflets, also often very hirsute.
- Fruit - A single fruiting body is found underwater amongst the roots.
Fronds seen floating on the surface of a pond. They can also grow in moist soil. The stem (rachis) is seen hanging below the fronds.
Single frond showing the 4 leaflets. A second frond in front also shows the hairs on the bottom surface and rachis.
Single frond showing the strongly hirsute bottom and the stem (rachis).
Submerged fruiting body and stem - very hairy.
Ferns Gallery