Bruce P. Ayati, Ph.D.

I am a Professor in the Department of Mathematics where I teach a range of courses, primarily in numerical analysis. Specific course information is available on ICON.

I have a secondary appointment in the Department of Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation in the Carver College of Medicine, and an affiliate appointment in the Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences (AMCS) program of the Graduate College.

Within the Department of Mathematics, I am part of the Mathematical & Computational Biology and Numerical Analysis research groups.

Current Group Members:
Former Group Members:
Funding History:

Osteoarthritis. I have worked on a number of problems with the Martin Lab in UIHC Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation on osteoarthritis. Our work was partially supported by NIH NIAMS grant p50 AR055533.

Applied Numerical Mathematics. The backbone of my research has been in physiologically structured multiscale modeling and simulation, including the development of numerical methods and software. Earlier stages of research in this area were partially supported by the NSF under awards DMS-0609854, DMS-0802609, and DMS-0914514.


Contact Information:
Last Revision: 2020-04-17