A Fortran program is described in the paper
K. Atkinson
and Young-mok Jeon, Algorithm 788: Automatic boundary integral equation programs
for the planar Laplace equation, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
24 (1998), pp. 395-417.
For a copy of this paper, click
You can access an introduction to the programs, the subroutine DRCHLT which solves the interior and exterior Dirichlet problem, and the subroutine NEUMAN which solves the interior and exterior Neumann problem.
To aid in using and testing the programs, sample driver programs are provided, for both DRCHLT and NEUMAN. Associated sample outputs are available for both DRCHLT and NEUMAN. The sample data files for the given output files are given for both programs in correspondingly named files with the suffix data.
For access to all files, including the data files, click here.
The programs have been compiled and checked on workstations of HP, Sun, SGI, and IBM; and they have been checked on a PC running MS Fortran 77.
We have a package for solving several standard boundary integral equation reformulations of Laplace's equation in the plane. Programs are given for interior and exteriors regions, with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. For most of the problems, the boundary is assumed to be smooth. For the interior Dirichlet problem, programs are given for both a smooth boundary and a polygonal boundary. For details of how to use the programs and of the mathematics behind them, see the Manual. The programs are given here.