import java.util.*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.event.*; //************************************** CLASS GRAPH ****************************************) public class Graph extends Applet { Graph_GUI gui = new Graph_GUI(this); public Bag polies = new Bag(); public Stack zoom_stack = new Stack(); public Color linecolor =; //Eq_entry variables public int link_status = 0; public Link eq_link; public Function func1; public Function func2; //viewing range variables private double x_left = -10; private double x_right = 10; private double y_minimum = -10; private double y_maximum = 10; //evaluation range variables private double x_start = -10; private double x_end = 10; //zoom control variable public boolean zoom_enable = false; //getPoint control variable public boolean get_point_enable = false; //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GRAPH METHODS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++) //____________________________________GUI related methods_____________________________________) //init method calls init in Graph_GUI class public void init() { gui.init(); } //repaint calls repaint in Graph_GUI class public void repaint() { gui.repaint(); } //update_textfield calls update_textfield in Graph_GUI class public void update_textfield(String text) { gui.update_textfield(text); } public void set_EQ_text(String newtext) { gui.set_EQ_text(newtext); } //methods to retrieve data from GUI //viewing range window public double retrieve_x_left() { return gui.retrieve_x_left(); } public double retrieve_x_right() { return gui.retrieve_x_right(); } public double retrieve_y_min() { return gui.retrieve_y_min(); } public double retrieve_y_max() { return gui.retrieve_y_max(); } //equation entry window public double get_range_min() { return gui.get_range_min(); } public double get_range_max() { return gui.get_range_max(); } public double get_coef1() { return gui.get_coef1(); } public double get_pow1() { return gui.get_pow1(); } public double get_coef2() { return gui.get_coef2(); } public double get_pow2() { return gui.get_pow2(); } public double get_coef3() { return gui.get_coef3(); } public double get_pow3() { return gui.get_pow3(); } public double get_pow4() { return gui.get_pow4(); } public double get_coef4() { return gui.get_coef4(); } public double get_pow5() { return gui.get_pow5(); } public double get_coef5() { return gui.get_coef5(); } public double retrieve_x_start() { return gui.retrieve_x_start(); } public double retrieve_x_end() { return gui.retrieve_x_end(); } //trig methods access public double retrieve_sincoef() { return gui.retrieve_sincoef(); } public double retrieve_sin_xcoef() { return gui.retrieve_sin_xcoef(); } public double retrieve_coscoef() { return gui.retrieve_coscoef(); } public double retrieve_cos_xcoef() { return gui.retrieve_cos_xcoef(); } public double retrieve_tancoef() { return gui.retrieve_tancoef(); } public double retrieve_tan_xcoef() { return gui.retrieve_tan_xcoef(); } public int get_canvas_height() { return gui.canvas_height(); } public int get_canvas_width() { return gui.canvas_width(); } //exp methods access public double retrieve_expcoef() { return gui.retrieve_expcoef(); } public double retrieve_exp_xcoef() { return gui.retrieve_exp_xcoef(); } //window visibility and accessability control methods public void make_EQ_entry_visible() { gui.make_eq_entry_visible(); } public void make_EQ_entry_invisible() { gui.make_eq_entry_invisible(); } public void make_range_entry_visible() { gui.make_range_entry_visible(); } public void make_range_entry_invisible() { gui.make_range_entry_invisible(); } public void make_Main_visible() { gui.make_Main_visible(); } public void make_Main_invisible() { gui.make_Main_invisible(); } public void make_5term_visible() { gui.make_5term_visible(); } public void make_5term_invisible() { gui.make_5term_invisible(); } public void make_SIN_visible() { gui.make_SIN_visible(); } public void make_SIN_invisible() { gui.make_SIN_invisible(); } public void make_COS_visible() { gui.make_COS_visible(); } public void make_COS_invisible() { gui.make_COS_invisible(); } public void make_TAN_visible() { gui.make_TAN_visible(); } public void make_TAN_invisible() { gui.make_TAN_invisible(); } public void make_EXP_visible() { gui.make_EXP_visible(); } public void make_EXP_invisible() { gui.make_EXP_invisible(); } public void make_help_visible() { gui.make_help_visible(); } public void make_help_invisible() { gui.make_help_invisible(); } public void enable_submit() { gui.enable_submit(); } public void disable_submit() { gui.disable_submit(); } public void enable_composites() { gui.enable_composites(); } public void disbable_composites() { gui.disable_composites(); } //____________________________________graphing related methods____________________________) //methods for controlling range public void restore_view_range_defaults() { x_left = -10; x_right = 10; y_minimum = -10; y_maximum = 10; zoom_stack.removeAllElements(); gui.restore_view_range_defaults(); } public void set_x_left(double new_x) { x_left = new_x; gui.set_x_left( new_x); } public void set_x_right(double new_x) { x_right = new_x; gui.set_x_right( new_x); } public void set_y_minimum(double new_y) { y_minimum = new_y; gui.set_y_min( new_y); } public void set_y_maximum(double new_y) { y_maximum = new_y; gui.set_y_max( new_y); } public void set_x_start(double new_x) { x_start = new_x; } public void set_x_end(double new_x) { x_end = new_x; } public double get_x_right() { return x_right; } public double get_x_left() { return x_left; } public double get_y_minimum() { return y_minimum; } public double get_y_maximum() { return y_maximum; } public double get_x_start() { return x_start; } public double get_x_end() { return x_end; } //getPoint takes as input xy coordinates on the drawarea and computes the relative // x,y coordinates for the graph public Point getPoint(int x, int y) { double a = gui.canvas_width(); double b = gui.canvas_height(); double x_dist = Math.abs(x_right - x_left); double y_dist = Math.abs(y_maximum - y_minimum); double x_zero = a*(1-x_right/x_dist); double y_zero = b*y_maximum/y_dist; double newX = x - x_zero; double newY = y_zero - y; newX = newX*(x_dist/a); newY = newY*(y_dist/b); Point temp = new Point(newX, newY); return temp; } //zoom method //accepts as input the x,y coordinates of a point relative to the graph where the user //clicked. The original point was translated using the apple.getPoint method. public void zoom_in_at(Point temp) { double x_dist = Math.abs(x_right - x_left); double y_dist = Math.abs(y_maximum - y_minimum); //we know relative to graph, where the click occured. //so calculate a new viewing range for the graph to be redrawn. //the blow up is X2. so new x_left is newX - 1/4 x_dist //new x_right is newX + 1/4 x_dist...etc. double X = temp.getX(); double Y = temp.getY(); double newxl = (X - (1/4.0) * x_dist); double newxr = (X + (1/4.0) * x_dist); double newymin = (Y - (1/4.0) * y_dist); double newymax = (Y + (1/4.0) * y_dist); //save old viewing range Zoom_Record old_zoom = new Zoom_Record(x_left,x_right,y_minimum,y_maximum); zoom_stack.push(old_zoom); //set new viewing range set_x_left(newxl); set_x_right(newxr); set_y_minimum(newymin); set_y_maximum(newymax); repaint(); } public void zoom_out_at(Point temp) { double x_dist = Math.abs(x_right - x_left); double y_dist = Math.abs(y_maximum - y_minimum); double X = temp.getX(); double Y = temp.getY(); //know relative to graph, where the click occured. //so calculate a new viewing range for the graph to be redrawn. //the range is X2. so new x_left is newX - x_dist //new x_right is newX + x_dist...etc. double newxl = (X - x_dist); double newxr = (X + x_dist); double newymin = (Y - y_dist); double newymax = (Y + y_dist); //save old viewing range Zoom_Record old_zoom = new Zoom_Record(x_left,x_right,y_minimum,y_maximum); zoom_stack.push(old_zoom); //set new viewing range set_x_left(newxl); set_x_right(newxr); set_y_minimum(newymin); set_y_maximum(newymax); repaint(); } public void zoom_back() //assumes that zoom_stack is not empty. { Zoom_Record old = (Zoom_Record) zoom_stack.pop(); set_x_left( old.get_xl()); set_x_right( old.get_xr()); set_y_minimum( old.get_yb()); set_y_maximum( old.get_yt()); gui.set_x_left( old.get_xl()); gui.set_x_right( old.get_xr()); gui.set_y_min( old.get_yb()); gui.set_y_max( old.get_yt()); repaint(); } //clears polynomial factor and coefficients text areas. //just calls method in GUI. public void reset_poly_fields() { gui.reset_poly_fields(); } //methods for generating graphs // Step is used in determining the step used in evaluating the equations. // i.e it designates the number of points to be used in the vector representing the equations. public double step() { return (x_end - x_start)/5000; //5,000 points in each equation. } public void generate_5_term_polynomial(double acoef,double apow, double bcoef, double bpow,double ccoef, double cpow, double dcoef,double dpow, double ecoef, double epow) { Polyline tempPoly = new Polyline(); for (double x = x_start; x=0) && (ystart<=size().width)&& (yfin>=0) && (yfin<=size().width)) g.drawLine(xstart, ystart,xfin,yfin); a=b; } } } }//end paint public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) { } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) { } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt) { } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt) { } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { if (applet.zoom_enable == true) { int x = evt.getX(); int y = evt.getY(); applet.zoom_in_at(applet.getPoint(x,y)); applet.zoom_enable = false; } else if (applet.get_point_enable == true) { Point converted = applet.getPoint(evt.getX(), evt.getY()); applet.update_textfield("X = " + converted.getX() + "\nY = " + converted.getY()); applet.get_point_enable = false; } } }//end class class Graph_GUI { private Graph applet; //contructor public Graph_GUI(Graph graph_applet) { applet = graph_applet; graphlistener2 = new Graph_Action_Listener2(applet); equation_entry_listener = new Equation_Entry_Listener(applet); range_entry_listener = new Range_Entry_Listener(applet); five_term_poly_listener = new Five_Term_Poly_Listener(applet); sin_listener = new Sin_Listener(applet); cos_listener = new Cos_Listener(applet); tan_listener = new Tan_Listener(applet); exp_listener = new Exp_Listener(applet); help_listener = new Help_Listener(applet); grapharea.applet = graph_applet; } //setup for main window public DrawArea grapharea = new DrawArea(); private Panel textpanel = new Panel(); private Label ilabel = new Label("Instructions"); private Panel graphpanel = new Panel(); private TextArea instructiontext = new TextArea("You may enter a new equation or change the viewing area at any time." + "\n\nTo zoom in about center of graph press the zoom in button.\n\nTo zoom in " + "about a point click zoom in at:, then click on center of area to be viewed." + "\n\nZoom back restores the last viewing area before selecting zoom in or out."); private Label title = new Label("Graph "); private Panel graphcontrolpanel = new Panel(); private Button enterEquation = new Button ("Enter Equation"); private Button selectRange = new Button ("Select Viewing Range"); private Button zoom = new Button ("Zoom in"); private Button zoom_about = new Button ("Zoom in at:"); private Button zoom_back = new Button("Zoom back"); private Button zoom_out = new Button("Zoom out"); private Button clearGraph = new Button ("Clear Graph"); private Button quit = new Button ("Exit"); private Button getpoint = new Button ("Get Point"); private Button help = new Button ("Help"); //setup for equation entry window private Frame equation_entry = new Frame("Equation Entry"); private Button selCOS = new Button ("aCOS(bX)"); private Button selSIN = new Button ("aSIN(bX)"); private Button selTAN = new Button ("aTAN(bX)"); private Button selEXP = new Button ("a*e^(bX)"); private Button selPoly = new Button("5 Term Polynomial in X"); private Button help_eq = new Button("HELP"); private Button plus = new Button ("f(x) + g(x)"); private Button minus = new Button ("f(x) - g(x)"); private Button times = new Button ("f(x) * g(x)"); private Button divide = new Button ("f(x) / g(x)"); private Button compose = new Button ("f(g(x))"); private Button cancel = new Button("Cancel"); private TextField instructions = new TextField("CHOOSE EQUATION\nAND EVALUATION RANGE"); private Label RangeOnX = new Label("RANGE ON X "); private Label range1 = new Label("START"); private Label range2 = new Label("END"); private TextField xrange1 = new TextField("-10"); private TextField xrange2 = new TextField("10"); //setup for five term polynomial frame. private Frame fiveTermPoly = new Frame("Five term polynomial"); private Button resetFields = new Button("Reset Poly fields"); private TextField coef1 = new TextField("0"); private TextField coef2 = new TextField("0"); private TextField coef3 = new TextField("0"); private TextField coef4 = new TextField("0"); private TextField coef5 = new TextField("0"); private TextField pow1 = new TextField("0"); private TextField pow2 = new TextField("0"); private TextField pow3 = new TextField("0"); private TextField pow4 = new TextField("0"); private TextField pow5 = new TextField("0"); private Label Lcoef = new Label("COEFFICIENT"); private Label LPow = new Label ("POWER"); private Label t1 = new Label("1ST Term"); private Label t2 = new Label("2ND Term"); private Label t3 = new Label("3RD Term"); private Label t4 = new Label("4TH Term"); private Label t5 = new Label("5TH Term"); private Label takeupspace2 = new Label(" "); private Label takeupspace3 = new Label(" "); private Button submit = new Button("Submit Polynomial"); private Button cancelPoly = new Button("Cancel"); private Button helpPoly = new Button("Help"); //setup for range entry window private Frame range_entry = new Frame("Range Entry"); private Label x_min = new Label("X min"); private Label x_max = new Label("X max"); private Label y_min = new Label("Y min"); private Label y_max = new Label("Y max"); private TextField X_min = new TextField("-10"); private TextField X_max = new TextField("10"); private TextField Y_min = new TextField("-10"); private TextField Y_max = new TextField("10"); private Button enter_range = new Button ("Enter range"); private Button default_range = new Button ("Restore Defaults"); private Button cancel2 = new Button("Cancel"); private Button help_range = new Button("HELP"); //setup for SIN modifiers private Frame sin_modifier = new Frame("aSIN(bX"); private TextField sincoef = new TextField("1"); private TextField x1coef = new TextField("1"); private Label a1 = new Label("a = "); private Label b1 = new Label("b = "); private Button Enter1 = new Button("Enter"); private Button sinecancel = new Button("Cancel"); //setup for COS modifiers private Frame cos_modifier = new Frame("aCOS(bX)"); private TextField coscoef = new TextField("1"); private TextField x2coef = new TextField("1"); private Label a2 = new Label("a = "); private Label b2 = new Label("b = "); private Button Enter2 = new Button("Enter"); private Button cosinecancel = new Button("Cancel"); //setup for the TAN modifiers private Frame tan_modifier = new Frame("aTAN(bX)"); private TextField tancoef = new TextField("1"); private TextField x3coef = new TextField("1"); private Label a3 = new Label("a = "); private Label b3 = new Label("b = "); private Button Enter3 = new Button("Enter"); private Button tangentcancel = new Button ("Cancel"); //setup for the EXP modifiers. private Frame exp_modifier = new Frame("aEXP(bX)"); private TextField expcoef = new TextField("1"); private TextField x4coef = new TextField("1"); private Label a4 = new Label("a = "); private Label b4 = new Label("b = "); private Button Enter4 = new Button("Enter"); private Button expcancel = new Button ("Cancel"); //setup for the help frame private Frame helpFrame = new Frame("Help"); private Panel helpButtons = new Panel(); private Button helpEnterEq = new Button("Entering Equations"); private Button helpEnterRange = new Button("Changing Range"); private Button helpZoom = new Button ("Zooming"); private Button helpClear = new Button ("Cleargraph"); private Button quithelp = new Button ("Exit"); private Button helpgetpoint = new Button ("Get Point"); private TextArea helpText = new TextArea("PLEASE CHOOSE TOPIC FOR HELP"); //actionlisteners for main window private Graph_Action_Listener2 graphlistener2; //actionlisteners for enterequation window. private Equation_Entry_Listener equation_entry_listener; //actionlistener for range_entry window private Range_Entry_Listener range_entry_listener; //actionlistener for 5termPoly window private Five_Term_Poly_Listener five_term_poly_listener; //actionlistener for sin_modifier window private Sin_Listener sin_listener; //actionlistener for cos_modifier window private Cos_Listener cos_listener; //actionlistener for tan_modifier window private Tan_Listener tan_listener; private Exp_Listener exp_listener; //actionlistener for helpFrame window private Help_Listener help_listener; public void init() { applet.setLayout (new BorderLayout()); //layout for applet applet.setSize(401,401); textpanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); textpanel.add(ilabel,"North"); instructiontext.setEditable(false); textpanel.add(instructiontext,"Center"); graphpanel.setLayout (new BorderLayout()); graphpanel.add(title, "North"); graphpanel.add(grapharea,"Center"); graphcontrolpanel.setLayout( new GridLayout(10,1)); graphcontrolpanel.add(enterEquation); graphcontrolpanel.add(selectRange); graphcontrolpanel.add(getpoint); graphcontrolpanel.add(zoom); graphcontrolpanel.add(zoom_out); graphcontrolpanel.add(zoom_back); graphcontrolpanel.add(zoom_about); graphcontrolpanel.add(clearGraph); graphcontrolpanel.add(help); // graphcontrolpanel.add(quit); graphpanel.add(graphcontrolpanel,"West"); applet.add (textpanel, "North"); applet.add (graphpanel, "Center"); // init for equation_entry frame equation_entry.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,3,5,5)); equation_entry.setSize(500,300); equation_entry.setVisible(false); equation_entry.add(selCOS); equation_entry.add(selSIN); equation_entry.add(selTAN); equation_entry.add(selEXP); equation_entry.add(selPoly); equation_entry.add(plus); equation_entry.add(minus); equation_entry.add(times); equation_entry.add(divide); equation_entry.add(compose); equation_entry.add(cancel); equation_entry.add(help_eq); RangeOnX.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); instructions.setEditable(false); instructions.setBackground(; equation_entry.add(instructions); range1.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); equation_entry.add(range1); range2.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); equation_entry.add(range2); equation_entry.add(RangeOnX); equation_entry.add(xrange1); equation_entry.add(xrange2); //init for 5 term poly frame fiveTermPoly.setLayout(new GridLayout(8,3,10,10)); fiveTermPoly.setSize(300,500); fiveTermPoly.setVisible(false); fiveTermPoly.add(takeupspace3); Lcoef.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); fiveTermPoly.add(Lcoef); LPow.setAlignment(Label.CENTER); fiveTermPoly.add(LPow); t1.setAlignment(Label.RIGHT); fiveTermPoly.add(t1); fiveTermPoly.add(coef1); fiveTermPoly.add(pow1); t2.setAlignment(Label.RIGHT); fiveTermPoly.add(t2); fiveTermPoly.add(coef2); fiveTermPoly.add(pow2); t3.setAlignment(Label.RIGHT); fiveTermPoly.add(t3); fiveTermPoly.add(coef3); fiveTermPoly.add(pow3); t4.setAlignment(Label.RIGHT); fiveTermPoly.add(t4); fiveTermPoly.add(coef4); fiveTermPoly.add(pow4); t5.setAlignment(Label.RIGHT); fiveTermPoly.add(t5); fiveTermPoly.add(coef5); fiveTermPoly.add(pow5); fiveTermPoly.add(resetFields); fiveTermPoly.add(submit); fiveTermPoly.add(cancelPoly); fiveTermPoly.add(helpPoly); //init for range_entry frame range_entry.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,2,10,10)); range_entry.setSize(400,300); range_entry.setVisible(false); range_entry.add(x_min); range_entry.add(X_min); range_entry.add(x_max); range_entry.add(X_max); range_entry.add(y_min); range_entry.add(Y_min); range_entry.add(y_max); range_entry.add(Y_max); range_entry.add(enter_range); range_entry.add(default_range); range_entry.add(cancel2); range_entry.add(help_range); //init for sin_modifier frame sin_modifier.setSize(300,200); sin_modifier.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,2)); a1.setAlignment(Label.RIGHT); sin_modifier.add(a1); sin_modifier.add(sincoef); b1.setAlignment(Label.RIGHT); sin_modifier.add(b1); sin_modifier.add(x1coef); sin_modifier.add(Enter1); sin_modifier.add(sinecancel); sin_modifier.setVisible(false); //init for cos_modifier frame cos_modifier.setSize(300,200); cos_modifier.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,2)); a2.setAlignment(Label.RIGHT); cos_modifier.add(a2); cos_modifier.add(coscoef); b2.setAlignment(Label.RIGHT); cos_modifier.add(b2); cos_modifier.add(x2coef); cos_modifier.add(Enter2); cos_modifier.add(cosinecancel); cos_modifier.setVisible(false); //init for tan_modifier frame tan_modifier.setSize(300,200); tan_modifier.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,2)); a3.setAlignment(Label.RIGHT); tan_modifier.add(a3); tan_modifier.add(tancoef); b3.setAlignment(Label.RIGHT); tan_modifier.add(b3); tan_modifier.add(x3coef); tan_modifier.add(Enter3); tan_modifier.add(tangentcancel); tan_modifier.setVisible(false); //init for exp_modifier frame. exp_modifier.setSize(300,200); exp_modifier.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,2)); a4.setAlignment(Label.RIGHT); exp_modifier.add(a4); exp_modifier.add(expcoef); b4.setAlignment(Label.RIGHT); exp_modifier.add(b4); exp_modifier.add(x4coef); exp_modifier.add(Enter4); exp_modifier.add(expcancel); exp_modifier.setVisible(false); //init for helpFrame frame GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); helpFrame.setLayout(gridbag); c.fill = GridBagConstraints.NONE; c.gridwidth = 1; helpFrame.add(helpButtons); c.fill=GridBagConstraints.BOTH; c.weightx = 1.0; c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; helpFrame.add(helpText); helpFrame.setSize(500,250); helpFrame.setVisible(false); helpButtons.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,1)); helpButtons.add(helpEnterEq); helpButtons.add(helpEnterRange); helpButtons.add(helpZoom); helpButtons.add(helpClear); helpButtons.add(helpgetpoint); helpButtons.add(quithelp); //listeners get assigned here //listeners for main window enterEquation.addActionListener(graphlistener2); selectRange.addActionListener(graphlistener2); zoom.addActionListener(graphlistener2); zoom_about.addActionListener(graphlistener2); zoom_back.addActionListener(graphlistener2); zoom_out.addActionListener(graphlistener2); clearGraph.addActionListener(graphlistener2); quit.addActionListener(graphlistener2); getpoint.addActionListener(graphlistener2); help.addActionListener(graphlistener2); //listener for enter equation frame selCOS.addActionListener(equation_entry_listener); selSIN.addActionListener(equation_entry_listener); selTAN.addActionListener(equation_entry_listener); selEXP.addActionListener(equation_entry_listener); selPoly.addActionListener(equation_entry_listener); plus.addActionListener(equation_entry_listener); minus.addActionListener(equation_entry_listener); times.addActionListener(equation_entry_listener); divide.addActionListener(equation_entry_listener); compose.addActionListener(equation_entry_listener); cancel.addActionListener(equation_entry_listener); help_eq.addActionListener(equation_entry_listener); //listeners for fiveTermPoly frame resetFields.addActionListener(five_term_poly_listener); submit.addActionListener(five_term_poly_listener); helpPoly.addActionListener(five_term_poly_listener); cancelPoly.addActionListener(five_term_poly_listener); //listener for enter range frame enter_range.addActionListener(range_entry_listener); default_range.addActionListener(range_entry_listener); cancel2.addActionListener(range_entry_listener); help_range.addActionListener(range_entry_listener); //listener for trig modifier frames Enter1.addActionListener(sin_listener); sinecancel.addActionListener(sin_listener); Enter2.addActionListener(cos_listener); cosinecancel.addActionListener(cos_listener); Enter3.addActionListener(tan_listener); tangentcancel.addActionListener(tan_listener); //listener for the exp_modifier frame Enter4.addActionListener(exp_listener); expcancel.addActionListener(exp_listener); //listener for the help frame helpEnterEq.addActionListener(help_listener); helpZoom.addActionListener(help_listener); helpClear.addActionListener(help_listener); helpEnterRange.addActionListener(help_listener); quithelp.addActionListener(help_listener); helpgetpoint.addActionListener(help_listener); }//end of init //data retrieving methods public double get_range_min() { return Double.valueOf(xrange1.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double get_range_max() { return Double.valueOf(xrange2.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double get_coef1() { return Double.valueOf(coef1.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double get_pow1() { return Double.valueOf(pow1.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double get_coef2() { return Double.valueOf(coef2.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double get_pow2() { return Double.valueOf(pow2.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double get_coef3() { return Double.valueOf(coef3.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double get_pow3() { return Double.valueOf(pow3.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double get_coef4() { return Double.valueOf(coef4.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double get_pow4() { return Double.valueOf(pow4.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double get_coef5() { return Double.valueOf(coef5.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double get_pow5() { return Double.valueOf(pow5.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double retrieve_x_left() { return Double.valueOf(X_min.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double retrieve_x_right() { return Double.valueOf(X_max.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double retrieve_y_min() { return Double.valueOf(Y_min.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double retrieve_y_max() { return Double.valueOf(Y_max.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double retrieve_x_start() { return Double.valueOf(xrange1.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double retrieve_x_end() { return Double.valueOf(xrange2.getText()).doubleValue(); } //trig functions public double retrieve_sincoef() { return Double.valueOf(sincoef.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double retrieve_sin_xcoef() { return Double.valueOf(x1coef.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double retrieve_coscoef() { return Double.valueOf(coscoef.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double retrieve_cos_xcoef() { return Double.valueOf(x2coef.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double retrieve_tancoef() { return Double.valueOf(tancoef.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double retrieve_tan_xcoef() { return Double.valueOf(x3coef.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double retrieve_expcoef() { return Double.valueOf(expcoef.getText()).doubleValue(); } public double retrieve_exp_xcoef() { return Double.valueOf(x4coef.getText()).doubleValue(); } public void restore_view_range_defaults() { X_min.setText("-10"); X_max.setText("10"); Y_min.setText("-10"); Y_max.setText("10"); applet.make_range_entry_invisible(); applet.make_Main_visible(); } public int canvas_height() { return grapharea.size().height; } public int canvas_width() { return grapharea.size().width; } //GUI update methods write to text fields. public void update_textfield(String text) { instructiontext.setText(text); } public void set_EQ_text(String newtext) { instructions.setText(newtext); } public void set_x_left(double new_x) { X_min.setText(""+new_x); } public void set_x_right(double new_x) { X_max.setText(""+new_x); } public void set_y_min(double new_y) { Y_min.setText(""+new_y); } public void set_y_max(double new_y) { Y_max.setText(""+new_y); } public void reset_poly_fields() { coef1.setText(""+0); coef2.setText(""+0); coef3.setText(""+0); coef4.setText(""+0); coef5.setText(""+0); pow1.setText(""+0); pow2.setText(""+0); pow3.setText(""+0); pow4.setText(""+0); pow5.setText(""+0); } //visibility methods public void make_Main_visible() {; } public void make_Main_invisible() { applet.hide(); } public void make_eq_entry_visible() { equation_entry.setVisible(true); } public void make_eq_entry_invisible() { equation_entry.setVisible(false); } public void make_range_entry_visible() { range_entry.setVisible(true); } public void make_range_entry_invisible() { range_entry.setVisible(false); } public void make_5term_visible() { fiveTermPoly.setVisible(true); } public void make_5term_invisible() { fiveTermPoly.setVisible(false); } public void make_SIN_visible() { sin_modifier.setVisible(true); } public void make_SIN_invisible() { sin_modifier.setVisible(false); } public void make_COS_visible() { cos_modifier.setVisible(true); } public void make_COS_invisible() { cos_modifier.setVisible(false); } public void make_TAN_visible() { tan_modifier.setVisible(true); } public void make_TAN_invisible() { tan_modifier.setVisible(false); } public void make_EXP_invisible() { exp_modifier.setVisible(false); } public void make_EXP_visible() { exp_modifier.setVisible(true); } public void make_help_visible() { helpFrame.setVisible(true); } public void make_help_invisible() { helpFrame.setVisible(false); } public void disable_composites() { plus.setEnabled(false); minus.setEnabled(false); times.setEnabled(false); divide.setEnabled(false); compose.setEnabled(false); } public void enable_composites() { plus.setEnabled(true); minus.setEnabled(true); times.setEnabled(true); divide.setEnabled(true); compose.setEnabled(true); } public void enable_submit() { submit.setEnabled(true); } public void disable_submit() { submit.setEnabled(false); } //zoom methods public void repaint() { grapharea.repaint(); } //help functions public void help_on_Eq() { helpText.setText("ENTERING EQUATIONS\n\n" + "To enter an equation the first step is to click on button\n" + "Enter equation. Next at the bottem of the pop up window there\n" + "is a place to enter the range on which you wish to evaluate the\n" + "function. This is not the same as the viewing range. This range\n" + "is used in selecting the points to evaluate and plot the graph.\n" + "If you wish to zoom in very closely onto a graph you may want to\n" + "evaluate the function on a narrower interval to get a smoother curve\n" + "*Note* If you zoom in about 5 times the graph will get distorted\n" + "and this can be fixed by choosing a smaller evaluation range. The\n" + "problem is that the distance between two points can become larger\n" + "then the viewing area.\n\n" + "The second step is to choose the type of equation that you wish to\n" + "graph. You can choose from one of the given Trig functions, the\n" + "exponential function, or a 5 term polynomial.\n\nTRIG FUNCTIONS\n\n" + "For the trigonometric functions a window will pop up in which you can\n" + "enter a and b, two paramters, where in 5Sin(6x) a would be 5 and b\n"+ "would be 6.\n\nEXPONENTIAL FUNCTION\n\n" + "As in the trig functions there are two parameters for Exponential.\n"+ "function. a is a constant coefficient and b is a factor of bX, the\n" + "power to which the base e is raised. Note due to overflow error\n" + "it is recommended to evaluated on a smaller range or to view on a \n" + "larger range than is customary for the other functions.\n" + "\nExample: in 5(e^(4x)), a is 5 and b is 4. \n\n" + "\n5 TERM POLYNOMIAL\n\n" + "For the 5 term polynomial, each term requires a coefficient and a\n" + "power. For example 5x^2 would require 5 in the coefficient and 2\n" + "in the power column. The functions will accept decimal coefficients\n" + "as well as decimal powers. However, for non-integer powers the\n " + "function will be undefined for x < 0.\n" + "Once each of the terms have been entered, click on submit polynomial\n" + "For any terms not needed zeroes should be left or placed into the\n" + "boxes"); } public void help_on_Range() { helpText.setText("VIEWING RANGES\n\n" + "To select a specific viewing range first you must click on the\n" + "Select viewing range button. This brings up a window where you\n" + "can enter the size of the viewing window. Uneven viewing windows\n" + "are allowed, however make sure that xmin is less then xmax and\n" + "ymin is less then ymax\n\n"+ "You can restore the 20 by 20 window by selecting restore defaults"); } public void help_on_Clear() { helpText.setText("CLEAR GRAPH\n\n" + "This button just removes all equations from the graph."); } public void help_on_Zoom() { helpText.setText("ZOOMING BUTTONS\n\n" + "ZOOM IN:\n" + "Zoom In zooms about the very center of the graph. This zoom\n" + "is by a factor of 2, that is it cuts the viewing range in half\n\n" + "ZOOM IN AT::\n" + "Zoom in at zooms in about a point selected by a mouse click on the\n" + "graph. Just click on the button followed by a location on the\n" + "graph that you wish to center the zoom. Again the factor is by 2\n\n"+ "ZOOM OUT::\n" + "Zoom out zooms out from the center of the graph. It doubles the\n" + "size of the viewing range.\n\n"+ "ZOOM BACK::\n" + "The program keeps track of the previous viewing ranges. Each time\n"+ "Zoom back is selected it restores the range that was one previous.\n" + "When there are no previous ranges, Zoom back sets the viewing range\n" + "to the defaults.\n"); } public void help_on_getpoint() { helpText.setText("GET POINT::\n\n" + "Get Point returns the x,y coordinates of a point on the graph\n" + "relative to the current viewing range. Just click on the button\n" + "and then click on any point of the graph. The x,y coordinates are\n"+ "provided above the graph in the two boxes labeled as such"); } }//end class Graph_GUI class Graph_Action_Listener2 implements ActionListener { private Graph applet; public Graph_Action_Listener2(Graph listening_applet) { applet = listening_applet; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { String command = event.getActionCommand(); if (command.equals("Exit")) { System.exit(0); } else if (command.equals("Enter Equation")) { applet.make_EQ_entry_visible(); applet.make_Main_invisible(); } else if (command.equals("Get Point")) { applet.get_point_enable = true; } else if (command.equals("Select Viewing Range")) { applet.make_range_entry_visible(); } else if (command.equals("Zoom in")) { applet.zoom_in_at(applet.getPoint(applet.get_canvas_width()/2, applet.get_canvas_height()/2)); } else if (command.equals("Zoom back")) { if (applet.zoom_stack.empty()) { applet.restore_view_range_defaults(); applet.repaint(); } else applet.zoom_back(); } else if (command.equals("Zoom out")) { applet.zoom_out_at(applet.getPoint(applet.get_canvas_width()/2, applet.get_canvas_height()/2)); } else if (command.equals("Clear Graph")) { applet.clear_graph(); applet.repaint(); } else if (command.equals("Zoom in at:")) { applet.zoom_enable = true; } else if (command.equals("Help")) { applet.make_help_visible(); } } } class Range_Entry_Listener implements ActionListener { private Graph applet; public Range_Entry_Listener(Graph listening_applet) { applet = listening_applet; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { String command = event.getActionCommand(); if (command.equals("Restore Defaults")) { applet.restore_view_range_defaults(); } else if (command.equals("Cancel")) { applet.make_range_entry_invisible(); } else if (command.equals("HELP")) { applet.make_help_visible(); applet.help_on_Range(); } else if (command.equals("Enter range")) { double newxl = applet.retrieve_x_left(); double newxr = applet.retrieve_x_right(); double newyl = applet.retrieve_y_min(); double newyr = applet.retrieve_y_max(); applet.set_x_left(newxl); applet.set_x_right(newxr); applet.set_y_minimum(newyl); applet.set_y_maximum(newyr); applet.make_range_entry_invisible(); } applet.repaint(); } } class Equation_Entry_Listener implements ActionListener { private Graph applet; public Equation_Entry_Listener(Graph listening_applet) { applet = listening_applet; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { String command = event.getActionCommand(); applet.set_x_start(applet.retrieve_x_start()); applet.set_x_end(applet.retrieve_x_end()); if (command.equals("f(x) + g(x)")) { applet.setup_link('+'); applet.set_EQ_text("Choose f(x)"); } else if (command.equals("f(x) - g(x)")) { applet.setup_link('-'); applet.set_EQ_text("Choose f(x)"); } else if (command.equals("f(x) * g(x)")) { applet.setup_link('*'); applet.set_EQ_text("Choose f(x)"); } else if (command.equals("f(x) / g(x)")) { applet.setup_link('/'); applet.set_EQ_text("Choose f(x)"); } else if (command.equals("f(g(x))")) { applet.setup_link('o'); applet.set_EQ_text("Choose f(x)"); } if (command.equals("5 Term Polynomial in X")) { applet.make_5term_visible(); } else if (command.equals( "aCOS(bX)")) { applet.make_COS_visible(); } else if (command.equals( "aSIN(bX)")) { applet.make_SIN_visible(); } else if (command.equals( "aTAN(bX)")) { applet.make_TAN_visible(); } else if (command.equals( "a*e^(bX)")) { applet.make_EXP_visible(); } else if (command.equals("HELP")) { applet.make_help_visible(); applet.help_on_Eq(); } else if (command.equals("Cancel")) { applet.make_EQ_entry_invisible(); applet.make_Main_visible(); } }//end actionPerformed } class Five_Term_Poly_Listener implements ActionListener { private Graph applet; public Five_Term_Poly_Listener(Graph listening_applet) { applet = listening_applet; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { String command = event.getActionCommand(); if (command.equals("Cancel")) { applet.make_5term_invisible(); } else if (command.equals( "Reset Poly fields")) { applet.reset_poly_fields(); } else if (command.equals("Help")) { applet.make_help_visible(); applet.help_on_Eq(); } else if (command.equals( "Submit Polynomial")) { POLYTERM newPoly = new POLYTERM(applet.get_coef1(),applet.get_pow1(), applet.get_coef2(),applet.get_pow2(), applet.get_coef3(),applet.get_pow3(), applet.get_coef4(),applet.get_pow4(), applet.get_coef5(),applet.get_pow5()); if (applet.link_status == 0) { applet.generate_function(newPoly); applet.make_Main_visible(); applet.make_EQ_entry_invisible(); applet.make_5term_invisible(); }//if else if (applet.link_status==1) { applet.func1 = newPoly; applet.link_status = 2; applet.make_5term_invisible(); applet.set_EQ_text("enter g(x)"); } else if (applet.link_status==2) { applet.func2 = newPoly; applet.link_status=0; applet.enable_composites(); applet.set_EQ_text("choose function"); applet.make_5term_invisible(); applet.make_EQ_entry_invisible(); applet.generate_link(); applet.make_Main_visible(); }//else if {//TODO change 5 term polynomial into a subclass of function }//else if }//else if }//action performed }//class class Sin_Listener implements ActionListener { private Graph applet; public Sin_Listener(Graph listening_applet) { applet = listening_applet; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { String command = event.getActionCommand(); if (command.equals("Cancel")) { applet.make_SIN_invisible(); } else { double a,b; a = applet.retrieve_sincoef(); b = applet.retrieve_sin_xcoef(); SINE newSINE = new SINE(a,b); if (applet.link_status == 0) { applet.generate_function(newSINE); applet.make_SIN_invisible(); applet.make_EQ_entry_invisible(); applet.make_Main_visible(); } else if (applet.link_status==1) { applet.func1 = newSINE; applet.link_status = 2; applet.make_SIN_invisible(); applet.set_EQ_text("enter g(x)"); } else if (applet.link_status==2) { applet.func2 = newSINE; applet.link_status=0; applet.enable_composites(); applet.set_EQ_text("choose function"); applet.make_SIN_invisible(); applet.make_EQ_entry_invisible(); applet.generate_link(); applet.make_Main_visible(); }//else if }//else }//action performed }//class class Cos_Listener implements ActionListener { private Graph applet; public Cos_Listener(Graph listening_applet) { applet = listening_applet; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { String command = event.getActionCommand(); if (command.equals("Cancel")) { applet.make_COS_invisible(); } else { double a,b; a = applet.retrieve_coscoef(); b = applet.retrieve_cos_xcoef(); COSINE newCOS = new COSINE(a,b); if (applet.link_status==0) { applet.generate_function(newCOS); applet.make_EQ_entry_invisible(); applet.make_COS_invisible(); applet.make_Main_visible(); } else if (applet.link_status==1) { applet.func1 = newCOS; applet.link_status = 2; applet.make_COS_invisible(); applet.set_EQ_text("enter g(x)"); } else if (applet.link_status==2) { applet.func2 = newCOS; applet.link_status=0; applet.enable_composites(); applet.set_EQ_text("choose function"); applet.make_COS_invisible(); applet.make_EQ_entry_invisible(); applet.generate_link(); applet.make_Main_visible(); }//else if } } } class Tan_Listener implements ActionListener { private Graph applet; public Tan_Listener(Graph listening_applet) { applet = listening_applet; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { String command = event.getActionCommand(); if (command.equals("Cancel")) { applet.make_TAN_invisible(); } else { double a,b; a = applet.retrieve_tancoef(); b = applet.retrieve_tan_xcoef(); TAN newTAN = new TAN(a,b); if (applet.link_status==0) { applet.generate_function(newTAN); applet.make_EQ_entry_invisible(); applet.make_TAN_invisible(); applet.make_Main_visible(); } else if (applet.link_status==1) { applet.func1 = newTAN; applet.link_status = 2; applet.make_TAN_invisible(); applet.set_EQ_text("enter g(x)"); } else if (applet.link_status==2) { applet.func2 = newTAN; applet.link_status=0; applet.enable_composites(); applet.set_EQ_text("choose function"); applet.make_TAN_invisible(); applet.make_EQ_entry_invisible(); applet.generate_link(); applet.make_Main_visible(); }//else if } } } class Exp_Listener implements ActionListener { private Graph applet; public Exp_Listener(Graph listening_applet) { applet = listening_applet; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { String command = event.getActionCommand(); if (command.equals("Cancel")) { applet.make_EXP_invisible(); } else { double a,b; a = applet.retrieve_expcoef(); b = applet.retrieve_exp_xcoef(); EXP newEXP = new EXP(a,b); if (applet.link_status==0) { applet.generate_function(newEXP); applet.make_EQ_entry_invisible(); applet.make_EXP_invisible(); applet.make_Main_visible(); } else if (applet.link_status==1) { applet.func1 = newEXP; applet.link_status = 2; applet.make_EXP_invisible(); applet.set_EQ_text("enter g(x)"); } else if (applet.link_status==2) { applet.func2 = newEXP; applet.link_status=0; applet.enable_composites(); applet.set_EQ_text("choose function"); applet.make_EXP_invisible(); applet.make_EQ_entry_invisible(); applet.generate_link(); applet.make_Main_visible(); }//else if } } } class Help_Listener implements ActionListener { private Graph applet; public Help_Listener(Graph listening_applet) { applet = listening_applet; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { String command = event.getActionCommand(); if (command.equals("Entering Equations")) applet.help_on_Eq(); else if (command.equals("Changing Range")) applet.help_on_Range(); else if (command.equals("Zooming")) applet.help_on_Zoom(); else if (command.equals("Cleargraph")) applet.help_on_Clear(); else if (command.equals("Get Point")) applet.help_on_getpoint(); else if (command.equals("Exit")) { applet.make_help_invisible(); applet.make_Main_visible(); } } }